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Lysfanga: The Time Shift Warrior update for 11 March 2024

Lysfanga : The Time Shift Warrior Patch note 1.02.001

Share · View all patches · Build 13615859 · Last edited 11 March 2024 – 17:26:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

[Fix] Typos have been corrected in various languages.
[Update] Tutorials videos have been updated
[Fix] Some spells VFX have been fixed.
[Fix] Fixed Glaring Light VFX not replaying correctly upon second use
[Fix] The Rune of Weapon Mastery deals more consistent damage to enemies.
[Fix] The rune of Crystalline Massacre deals more consistent damage to enemies.
[Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the echoes triggered by Paroxysm to be incorrectly blocked by
Guardians, causing an additional issue in a related FOB challenge
[Balance] Flood of Light damage increased.
[Balance] Orb of light damage slightly increased.
[Fix] Many collision issues have been fixed.
[Fix] An issue causing Bombwings to be stuck sometimes in mid-air has been fixed.
[Fix] Boss4: In his Phase 4, a bug that was causing the game to get stuck has been fixed.
[Fix] Binary doors and Magical Doors no longer destroy thrown projectiles that touch them (chakrams)
& Corrected colliders in a few levels that destroyed thrown projectiles when they touched them.
[Fix] Fixed some Figments of Battle levels with the “Lightning Fast” challenge causing them to not
start properly in Simplified Chinese.
[Fix] In multiple arenas where Magical Doors took too long to open, the time they take to open is now
[Add] You can now switch weapons while in Overview mode.
[UI] Default cursor has been updated to be more visible.
[UI] There is now a slight background behind the remnant count in the HUD to make it more visible
[UI] The currently equipped rune is now displayed opposite the spell in the HUD making it is easy to
know what is equipped

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