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Russian Soul Simulator update for 1 March 2024


Share · View all patches · Build 13613708 · Last edited 1 March 2024 – 13:32:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, dear friends and travelers of the depths of the Russian soul!

With the first day of spring, the world awakens from its winter sleep, and with it comes our creation - " RUSSIAN SOUL SIMULATOR". It is not just a game; it is an immersion into the abysses of the sensual world, where every corner, every soul tells its own story.

The link to travel:

In this virtual canvas, painted with the most delicate and deep colors of the Russian soul, we used all the achievements of the most advanced game engine of our time - Unreal Engine 5.3. Thanks to Lumen, Nanite and Virtual Shadows technologies, we were able to achieve an amazing level of realism and detail. You will truly feel the air of this world, its light and shadow, its subtle nuances and emotions.

We invite you on an exciting journey through the boundless expanses of the Russian soul, where every step opens a new chapter, every breath takes you to another dimension of feelings and experiences.

Welcome to the world where reality intertwines with dreams, and the traditions of centuries meet with modern virtual technology. In "RUSSIAN SOUL SIMULATOR" you will discover the true beauty, expressive character and unique spirit of Russia.

Let us together awaken to the new spring, to the new stories that lie ahead..

Looking forward to your feedback ːRussianVillageSimulator2ː

Windows 64-bit Depot 2734525
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