New patch is out with a new hero and new spells :)
- Daedalus: The first time you combine a character -> The first time you take a treasure
- Fafnir: 1x2 -> 0x2
- Fisher King: +3 -> +1 hp
- Freyja: next 1 -> 2 characters only need 2 copies
- Peter Pan: +0 -> +1 hp
Smiling Sprout: 2 hp -> 3 hp per turn
Brave Little Tailor: Level 4 -> 5 and 3/3 -> 3/5
Funny Cat: +2/1 -> +1/1
Little Mermaid: Give Slay: +2/1 -> +2/2
Galahad: +7/4 -> +10/6
Pirate Monkey: added Mage tag
Smithi: added Shield and 10/7 -> 8/5
Try my Net: Level 5 -> 4, 2/18 -> 3/6, added Unyielding, reduce to 3 -> 6 hp
Angelic Commander: added Mage tag
Demon's Deal: 1 -> 2 damage
Warrior Potion: Removed (to not dilute the spell pool)
New hero: Phantom of the Opera. -3 hp, 1x2 attack. Every 4 turns, cast Dramatic Reveal with 1 additional hero slot.
New spell: Furnace. Level 4, 1 gold 1 mana. Target a character. Destroy your first characters' items and give a random item of the targeted character 150% of the destroyed items' stats.
New spell: Core Fusion. Level 5, 4 gold 1 mana. Target a character. Destroy your first character and give the targeted character 100% of their permanent and food stats.
New spell: Smithi's Hammer. Level 5, 2 gold 1 mana. Give a character's items +3/3 permanently.
Merlin and Merlin's Tower do not consume the repeat charge if you cast a Heavy spell
Doppel Diamond on Big Wolf now works (copy summons something)
Future saved boards remember +hp and -hp gains from casting spells
Added Preserve % in Stats breakdown
First real art by Albert Chauw Wijaya of Dwarfi, Smiling Sprout and Matt Oblivion Seeker :D
Characters and Treasures with conditional abilities (star child, moving dogs, Hero Helix) now have a big cross over them if their condition is not satisfied.
Added red border to mana icon if you don't have enough mana
Added keyword descriptions to spell descriptions
Character description now disappears if you hover over it (helps if the character you were hovering died and description would be stuck)
New keywords "Walk" and "Preserve" to shorten Dog and Farmer descriptions.
Reduced time to fully open the item box
(Chaos) Re-added to Chaos: Forgetful Rabbit: Your characters cost 2 gold and you have +1 free roll. Every 3 turns destroy all characters in your front and back row.
- Fixed Peter Pan not working with repeat effects (e.g. Doublecaster)
- Fixed announcement button not showing latest announcement
- Fixed queue cancelling even you were put in a game
- Fixed Chameleon Slay+surviving not keeping stats gained in fight
- Fixed Sundiata Ascendance targeting arrow being weird
- Fixed heroes having 2x their +hp sometimes
- Fixed summoned units not having starting stats (matters for Angelic Commander + Doppelganger Diamond)
- Treasure moving is now disabled in fights
- (Chaos) Fixed Divining Rod adding units with no mana cost
- (Chaos) Fixed Familiars not activating Entrance on summon
Changed files in this update