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MAJOR Cornucopia update for 1 March 2024

🌐 Major Language Update 5.3: Play in Your Language! ❤️

Share · View all patches · Build 13612237 · Last edited 1 March 2024 – 16:33:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We're thrilled to announce Major Update 5.3, bringing a wealth of languages to our game. This update includes initial translations in multiple languages, facilitated by DeepL translator. These translations are in their early stages and will be refined through forthcoming updates and the invaluable assistance of our community. We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience as we enhance these translations.

Languages now supported include: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Brazilian and European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

🌟 New Features:

Enhanced Character Interactions: After increasing the Heart level of Pickle Guma and Mr. Mochi, these characters will now be more active around the farm, offering help with tasks like blowing up rocks or watering plants.

New GUI for Item Sales: We've implemented a new graphical user interface for item sales to streamline your gameplay.
Updated Controller UI Sprites: Experience an improved gaming experience with updated controller UI sprites.
Ability to Transfer Stacks of Items: Added the ability to transfer stacks of items from the hotbar to the shipping bin for easier inventory management.

New Controller Buttons

New Green House next to Veggie Barn

🔧 Bug Fixes:

Dialogue Bug Fix: Fixed a bug when talking to a dating partner, where a question mark incorrectly pops up.
Guma's Bomb Throwing: Fixes include Guma correctly throwing bombs back, enhancing gameplay dynamics.
NPC Movement Correction: Fixed the bug of NPC drifting during game pauses for a smoother experience.
Optimization Improvements: Various optimization fixes have been implemented to ensure smoother gameplay.
Freezing Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where picked-up items freeze the game from entering buildings, enhancing game flow.
Audio Settings Consistency: Fixed a bug where the water faucet in the second level of spout and springs does not get affected by the audio settings, ensuring consistent game audio.

🌟 Join Our Farming Family
Step into our vibrant community and be a part of our gaming journey. Connect with fellow farmers, exchange tips, and stay updated. Let's chat on Discord: [] 🤝🌾

💪 Your Support, Our Inspiration
Your excitement fuels our days and lights up our development path. We're committed to enriching your gaming experience, bringing you continuous enhancements and joyous updates. 🚀🎮

💌 A Harvest of Thanks
We're truly grateful for your active role in our gaming family. Your insights and feedback are the seeds that help our game grow and blossom. Thank you for being with us on this wonderful journey. 🙏💖

🎉 Stay Tuned for More!
Keep your eyes peeled for exciting updates and delightful surprises! We promise to keep your farming adventures fresh and fun. Happy farming, and remember, every day is a new opportunity to grow! 🌱🚜

Lots of Love,
David ❤️🌼

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