Greetings, tactics fans: I have another, surprise update for you! To be honest, I was planning to save this stuff for the next monthly update--but given that I just found and fixed a pretty bad bug, I decided that you're simply getting all of this right now! Two updates in one month; not too shabby, eh? 😉
Here are the changes, starting with new events, items, and skills:
- new event: Clown For A Day.
- new event: A Nice Bath.
- new item: Anatomical Treatise. Permanently boosts the user's Accuracy stat by 5.
- new item: Spring Shoes. Grants Jump. Limited to 3 uses.
- new skill: Jump. Same as Leap, but has an after-attack behavior of Can Move instead of being unlimited. Conferred by Spring Shoes.
- new item: Pocket Sand. Grants Pocket Sand. Limited to 1 use.
- new skill: Pocket Sand. Has a 75% chance to cause Blinded for 2 rounds. Doesn't end the turn.
Other changes:
- further improved the shop explanation for why characters want equipment: when the reason a character wants something is stat-related, the game now lists as many as 3 stats the equipment will improve (not just 1), making it easier to compare the benefits from upgraded armor at a glance.
- camp activities can now affect the health of everyone present in camp.
- revised the doctor's Treat Wounds activity so that it serves a purpose when not playing on Challenging or Challenging+ difficulty. In addition to its existing effect of curing 1 wound level for wounded characters, it now also restores 15% of missing health for all non-wounded characters in camp.
- when a character first gets a crush on another character, their activity that evening will now always be to fantasize.
- refactored the code for determining nighttime character activities to avoid unwanted behaviors when multiple characters have activities that reference (but do not include) a second character.
- created ability, casting, hurt, and shove animations for Praetor Nero.
- created ability, axe, hurt, shield bash, and shove animations for Manbir Raksha.
Bug fixes:
- fixed: there were a few lines of code I had been using for testing that turned almost every character Sensitive (lines which I forgot to turn off afterwards).
- fixed: height was set incorrectly for the promoted shadowling cast animation.
- fixed: camp activities like Fantasize were still plucking the characters being thought about out of the activity order for free rein.
New stuff usable in the campaign creator:
- created new item graphic: Pouch.
- created new skill button graphic: Pocket Sand.
- created new sound effect: PoofCloud.
- new sound effect: Boing.
- created new item graphic: Book White.
- created new item graphic: Spring Shoes.
- new mood type: Embarrassed. Narrates that a character feels embarrassed.
- new mood type: EmbarrassedAbout. Narrates that a character feels embarrassed about their interaction with a specified second character.
- received sunset and nighttime variants of the new Riverbank cutscene background; added them into the game.
- updated AssetNames.xml to make the most recent batch of cutscene backgrounds selectable in the cut scene editor.
And that's about all for this one; see you in March!
Tactically yours,
Changed files in this update