First of all, I'd like to thank everyone that didn't return the game.
I understand there was a bunch of problems on Early Access launch, or maybe some people beat the game too fast, anyway, it ended up with us having a little over 20% return rate, which is not ideal. With that being said, I THANK YOU VERY MUCH for sticking with the game. Even with the numbers not looking great, I plan to honor everyone that put their trust in me, and eventually deliver a product that we are all satisfied with. That's to say, keep the bugs and ideas coming! The discord server is a great place to make that happen
Now on to the update.
Loadouts are back!
And Saving/Load Integrations are getting better and better by the day.
But before we start, a little patch note:
-Blue Elites don't make enemies invulnerable anymore, instead they give it 80% damage reduction.
-Blue Elites will appear more often.
Before the blue elites would just kill any type of Idle build, which took literally half of the fun of the game away. An oversight for sure.
Now they give damage reduction to the enemies that are affected by it, which means it makes them a lot tougher, but at least they are not game breaking anymore. Granted, they are still on a period of testing and maybe 80% is too much, I will keep my eyes open.
Bug fixes:
-Switched the achievements notation to English. (1,000 instead of 1.000)
-You can now start a new game when you first open the game, even if you already had a game going. (no need to continue the game and than going back to the main menu)
-Loadouts are now working and won't cause you to lose your items. You still need to start a new game, as your current run won't be able to properly load your old loadouts.
-New games will no longer secretly be the of the highest ascension when you create a new game, even if you try to start at ascension 0.
-Boss bar properly loads your correct progress when you load a game.
-The Spike Ball gadget will no longer exit through the top of the screen.
Now the newfound bugs:
-Loaded Items keep the original language from when they were saved
-If you have a bunch of elite or higher waves enemies on the screen during the main menu, when you start a new game, it triggers the first boss to appear.
-Pressing ENTER on your keyboard opens a random shop tab
And the "previously mentioned but not fixed yet" ones:
- Some machines doesn't display the game Icon in the task bar.
- Dragging an Item and right clicking would sometimes sell random items from your inventory
- After loading a save, the Basllista upgrades are available for purchase again (and don't do anything) if you had already bought them
- Ascensions 1 and 2 are showing the tutorial, when it should only be enabled for ascension 0.
- Saving doesn't save your language preferences
- There is no explanation for the elite enemies
- Sometimes either the elites or the Sucker gadget will prevent you from pick/dragging gadgets using the tool.
- The boss bar does nor properly display when the Purple Skull boss will show up sometimes (if you have more information about this, please let me know)
- Autosell settings not loading properly from saves (sometimes)
- Game window goes back to default when starting a new game
- Sometimes a button will turn green besides you having bought all Upgrades for that gadget.
- Sometimes the Sucker Upgrade button will not turn green despite you being able to buy it.
Again, Thank you for the patience, and please understand this is still the first week of Early Access.
Changed files in this update