Patch 75.2 :
- Votes are now displayed in the vote menu
- Memory cleanup before map changes to prevent "crashing" when changing map
- Buttons to improve building durability (city mayor menu) now select normally
- French translation correction
- Fixed bug that caused animals to produce instantly (with Producer passive)
- Fixed a bug that kept the "Accelerate time" window open.
- Fixed a bug that could block action button N°1 (harvest, ...)
- A white cloud now appears when animals change state.
- Males and females are now distinguishable by their color (light or dark).
- Fixed a bug that didn't remove the rope when needed.
- Quests 50, 51 corrected
- Changed quest 36 (give a cow) to (give a yellow bell pepper)
- You can no longer use an empty name when naming an animal.
- Luck boost potion now only boosts rare plants
- Corrected cow competition (you could enter several times and even without a cow)
- If both parents have the "Premium" gene, there is a 2% chance of having a special animal, not a 1% chance.
Changed files in this update