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Hazeron Starship update for 29 February 2024

2024-02-29 Helicopter Bugs, Lighting Bugs, Prone Movement, Falling Damage

Share · View all patches · Build 13605876 · Last edited 29 February 2024 – 21:13:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Helicopter Too Feeble
Helicopter is too feeble to taxi up the ramp on Gulliver.

Fixed a bug that determined the air pressure in a room, due to the ramp room being an outside room. The helicopter was unable to move because it was reading zero air pressure in its environment.

Helicopter Stuck in Ceiling
Helicopter in vehicle bay on Gulliver gets stuck in the ceiling quite easily. Just take off.


Prone Movement Buggy
Moving on a hill while prone is quite an experience. Sometimes you get dragged uncontrollably around the terrain.


Falling Damage
Creatures, vehicles and spacecraft are not damaged by crashing into terrain. I can fall from orbit and land unhurt on the terrain.

Falling damage was disabled for a long time due to the previous prone movement bug. That bug invariably ended up killing you due to falling damage.

This is reported as "collision with terrain" in messages that report damage.

Due to the deadly nature of this change, a setting was added to enable/disable falling damage. It can be found on the Program page of the Settings window.

Lighting on Gulliver Ramp
Lighting of the helicopter is incorrect on the vehicle ramp on Gulliver. It is pitch black.


Toxic Smoke
When real bombs explode, there is a high concentration of carbon monoxide in the crater. Could the smoke in bomb craters be toxic in the game?

Smoke in bomb craters is now toxic. It causes suffocation damage, not poisoning.

Smoke from fissures is also toxic.

Smoke from volcanoes is not toxic.

New Avatar Bug
I started several new avatars that never seemed to enter the game.

Changed the algorithm for finding a homeworld. The requirement for a neighboring ringworld became more stringent, causing the old algorithm to spend a lot of time searching, sometimes with no success.

Linux 64-bit Depot 2239525
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Windows 64-bit Depot 2239526
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Unused Depot 2239527
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