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Nienix update for 29 February 2024

Random Uber Continuum Event recipe + much more!

Share · View all patches · Build 13605513 · Last edited 29 February 2024 – 20:32:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Version 1.073

🎯 [Continuum Transmuter recipe] A new recipe has been added: "Random Uber Continuum Event".
🎯 [Balance] The ship resistance mod now provides increased resistance to all elements (previously all but ballistic). This change will only affect ships that are modded post this patch.
🎯 [Balance] The drop-rate of Uber Contained Continuum Events has been increased.
🎯 [Balance] The weight of many kinds of player summons has been reduced. This should make the issue of summons pushing enemies around much less problematic.
🎯 [Performance] Minor performance improvements when using the item highlight filter by moving some calculations to a background thread.
🎯 [Misc] Worm sound effects for movement and attacking have been revised.
🎯 [Misc] You can now disable the file integrity checks made by clients when connecting to a COOP campaign game. To do so, set the value of 'Networking_RequireMatchingHashsum' to 'false' in the config.cfg file. This is safe from a server perspective: if files differ, it will at worst cause weird/unknown behaviour for the client. This addition was made as some older operating systems (e.g., some versions of Windows 7) produce inconsistent MD5 for game data/files. If any magician know why this is the case, please let me know!
🎯 [Bug fix] Fixed an issue that on very rare occasions could cause the item highlight filter to incorrectly include/exclude items. This could occur if the parameters of the item highlight filter were being changed simultaneous to an item being processed by the item filter.
🎯 [Bug fix] Fixed errors in the tooltips for the skills "Intense Repairs" and "Warp Plasma Converter".

Windows Nienix Content Depot 1332761
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Linux Nienix Depot Linux Depot 1332762
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macOS Nienix Depot MacOS Depot 1332763
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