[ADD] Icon for medic
[ADD] Message for medic / Press "action" to call teammate, sound is play around player in the ground
[UPG] More natural take of weapon by BOT
[UPG] Gameplay of Warehouse map
[UPG] Gravity x2
[UPG] Climb system, fly in air when wall is too small
[FIX] Ladder move block in middle
[FIX] Wrong name message when "killed by"
[FIX] Invisible boby after death in general camera
[FIX] Can walk on body players in the ground
[FIX] Can change firemod on gun
[FIX] Other player volume foot step sound 0.2 to 0.8 value
[FIX] Destroy body after 30 sec if can't be revive
[FIX] Desync bullet of bot
[FIX] TeamKill enter Bot player
[FIX] Foot step on Bot
[FIX] Clear scene when new player incoming in room
[FIX] MainCamera in cloud when player is alive and round restarted
[DEL] Music sound when player is dead
Changed files in this update