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Cardboard Town update for 29 February 2024

v1.2.5 - New Card is Here & Bug Fixes

Share · View all patches · Build 13601470 · Last edited 29 February 2024 – 13:26:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello there, we're with you with a small but important update!

New card: Wish Upon A Star

This card enables you to reroll your Star Quest.

Sometimes players were unhappy with the quests they received and "didn't want to go that way" and in extreme cases; game could get stuck (E.g; Quest wants you to play 5 Cards in a day but you've got the Going Slow upgrade, limiting your daily cards to 3)

With the Wish Upon A Star card, you can either immediately reroll the first quest that you get or hold on to it strategically.

New Disaster: Communist Strike

Who doesn't love a new disaster, right? R-right?
Anyway, a new disaster is probably better then an old disaster. As Sana have said recently; "Gimme that New New!" so we're giving you the New New.

So what does the disaster do?
Communist Strike: At the start of your day; Discard your most expensive card, draw a new card, lose 1 Money.

It's not very annoying as it has a very high chance to discard a card that you couldn't play yet anyway, but it is annoying as it hurts your long-term plans and costs you money. So we believe it's a balanced disaster for early game.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Industrial Furnace was generating the wrong card
  • Minor bug behind the Red Alert system
  • An Upgrade was causing the Mega-Project cards to be destroyed
  • Minor bug in an interaction between an upgrade and a disaster
  • Fixed a visual bug related to "Going Slow" upgrade.

Big, Big Update on the way!

"Hey, this update is so small, booo!" you might be saying, please don't :(

Because we are working on a really cool update. We don't want to spoil anything yet, but it includes;

  • New resource!
  • New End-game
  • New buildings
  • New cards
  • Custom Mode
  • and more.

Check out our New games!

Some of our team members are working on new titles. If you like Cardboard Town, you might like these too! So we'd be glad if you check out Stellar Settlers and even more glad if you wish-list it! It's being designed by Cardboard Town's Co-Producer, Burak Tokak.

You can also check out Rogue Duck Interactive on Steam , the new video game company of Cardboard Town's co-producer & game designer, Dora Özsoy.


Thanks for reading and happy mayoring!

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