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Easy Red 2 update for 29 February 2024

1.3.3: Kos rework, new realistic plane controls, new weapons, and more!

Share · View all patches · Build 13601293 · Last edited 29 February 2024 – 17:09:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone,

First of all, here are the latest changes to Easy Red 2:

Recent changes

New features:
Fully reworked Kos campaign with completly new buildings.
•Added Type 99 Arisaka in 2 variants.
•Added Johnson LMG.
•Added new realistic controls for aircrafts. Old controls can optionally be selected in pause menu.
•Added new VFXs for grenade explosions and smoke.
•Reworked F4F Wildcat interiors.
•Reworked Plane tutorial.
•Reworked various sound FXs.
•Reworked US Ranger Assault Vest.
•Added new reworked TPS anims.
•Added new german landing ship.

•Fixes with bomb drop using controller.
•Fixes with switching in TPS with controller while using bandages.
•Fixes with planes.
•Fixes with squads.
•Fixes with inventory navigation with gamepad.
•Stone wall is now destructible.
•Fixed various bugs with map & mission editor.
•Steam Cloud now syncronize custom maps and missions.
•Improvements in sounds.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server.

Xbox updates

We are submitting a new Xbox update containing all the changes up to this version, and also performing various other changes and fixes asked by the Xbox community. We expect the update to be live within 1-2 weeks.

Switch updates

We are also submitting a new Nintendo Switch update containing all the changes up to this version, and also performing various improvements, including new settings and a little higher AI count in game. We expect the update to be live within 1-2 weeks.

New game trailer

We recently released a new trailer for the game. The trailer also features the upcoming Tunisia campaign, which will be shown with more screenshots anc clips during the following weeks.
The Tunisia campaign will be free and should be released during mid 2024.

Ardennes 1940 & 1944

We recently released the new DLC, which inlcudes 2 new campaigns: Early war France invasion and late war Battle of the bulge!
The campaigns consists on 13 new missions, 2 new maps, and a lot of new game content including French faction, new weapons, new uniforms, new vehicles and many new mission editor props!

You can finally get the new campaign here:

AI Rework

We started recently looking into the AI rework. This is most likely gonna take a couple months, and will include a more performant and smarter AI, plus the addition of various new features to the system as suggested by players in the Discord server.

TPS Animations Rework

We're continuously enhancing the game by incorporating new and reworked third-person shooter (TPS) animations on a weekly basis. If you'd like to stay in the loop on our upcoming animation improvements, you can find a detailed list on our Discord server.

Normandy Campaign

We released the Normandy Campaign earlier this summer after working on it for over 9 months. We are very happy with the positive reception that it has received. Thank you to everyone who has played it!

Extra informations

In case you didn't know we have defined a precise roadmap for the next months of development and you can read it here.

We keep improving all features of the base game and as always we will be going on listening to suggestions from people inside the Steam Discussions and the Discord server.

The updates for the base game we are constantly releasing are very expansive, so if you are interested on giving us a hand to make a better work, this is our Patreon. All the money raised from this will be spent to make a better game.

Thank you all,

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