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MAJOR Ling Hun update for 29 February 2024

Big Updates

Share · View all patches · Build 13599847 · Last edited 29 February 2024 – 11:39:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Fellow Jumpers!

We are so excited to anounce that we are working hard on polishing the game so everyone can enjoy it at it's fullest. So, without a furthere ado...


  • Fixed minor issues in some levels involving vines.
  • Improved what it seemed the "worst" level in the game. Jokes aside, we did change the top part of the level 6-2 to make it more fair and doable.
  • Fixed an issue with one specific menu that was not working as intended so you could not go back.
  • Fixed a misspelling on a Steam Achievement.
  • Fixed a missing Tile in 4-4.
  • Fixed a save spot in 4-2 that was not intended.
  • Fixed a ground tile without collision in the tutorial of zone 6.
  • Adjusted some SFX's to be heard much clearer.
  • Improved last level visuals for "safe trails" that show a safe path and improved visuals in the transition from outside of the Fox cave to inside, (before the transition of the image was so abrupt and cluncky),
  • Improved Sound managment.

Now, some BIG changes and NEWS:

  • We made the collectibles more meaningful. So, now, if you got all the collectibles you will get an Achievment. But that's not all... a NEW extra level will be opened for you and with that comes two new Achievements;
  • Succeed on the extra level.
  • Succeed on the extra level with 0 deaths.

Talking about Achievments;

  • Achievements that were not working are supposed to work now (if not, we'll be working on it asap).
  • Changed some Achievements:
  • Now instead of 10.000 jumps you'll need 4.500 jumps (we considered to lower the number
    after some awesome feedback).
  • Now instead of 10.000 deaths you'll just need 500 (again, thanks to the feedback recieved)
  • To maintain the number of achievements for death count we added a new one for 10 deaths to
    make the increase smooth and relevant. So the 100 deaths still remains the same.

And, last but not least we'd like to showcase a change that we did towards an incredible player that has been giving us feedback and being so nice to point out things for us. So we wanted to show the gratitude with this small but full of love action:

We added a 100% Achievement for the game that goes like that:

Madness Platinum:
Like Our first Platinum Player "MkayShock Madness" you did a huge jump and succeed! Thank YOU!

And for the rest of you, that play the game, that give us feedback and help us make Ling Hun a better game. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

  • Ling Hun Project Team.

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