Note: For the new Shipyard and Tech Tree 2.0, you must enable Beta Testing in the Settings menu. It is currently fully playable.
Ship & Tech 2.0:
• [new] Hull slots added and unified the way ship customization works, by allowing dragging and changing hulls and modules in all modes.
• [tune] Modules can now also be clicked to add them to the forge. @TheLomaxx
• [tune] Various slots highlight the corresponding parts on the ship. @----
• [tune] It is now possible to replace a module in the bar by replacing it with another one.
• [tune] Over-enhanced hulls are now using the normal tier notation. Over-enhancing will stay but will receive a simplified UI in the future.
• [tune] Item overlay adjusts dynamically to fit all content inside.
• [fix] Forge no longer plays pickup sound indefinitely. @TheLomaxx
• [fix] Removing all skills is now possible.
• [fix] Module slots now use the correct tier. @----
• [fix] Removed tier gain from class description; it will soon be replaced by a new bonus. @--__--
General Updates:
• [tune] Improved size calculation for all objects.
• [tune] Asteroids' selection size will shrink if cells are removed.
• [fix] Corrected calculation for ship selection.
Changed files in this update