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GUARDS! update for 1 March 2024


Share · View all patches · Build 13599075 · Last edited 1 March 2024 – 17:06:25 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The support and excitement in the final run up to release has been overwhelming. We've had fan art, deep lore discussions, pitches for future mechanics and seen so much more interest in the game than we had ever imagined.

The GUARDS! team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has wishlisted the game, played the demo, given us feedback, kicked down doors, hit perps with frying pans and generally been a part of this new community. THANK YOU!

Finally, after a year of hard work GUARDS! is OUT NOW and it is time to unleash you all upon the wretched streets of New Alestead!

Vanguard Supporter Pack and Bundle!

At your request, we have created a supporter DLC pack for the game! To be 100% crystal clear, these are purely cosmetic items that are simply a way for you to show a little extra support to the dev team. There will be no Pay to Win shenanigans on our watch!

As a result, we have also added a bundle that contains the base game and the Vanguard supporter pack with an associated discount applied. The discount means you essentially get the Vanguard Supporter DLC for ~50% of its usual price.

So... now you can bust crime in style with these, very regal, weapon and armor skins.

Further Support

For answering general support queries, we have added a Release day mega-thread over on the discussions that should help you find what you're looking for.

If you find a bug and would like to report it, simply post it in the discussion forum with the tag [BUG] at the start of the post title. That will help us prioritize it quicker (which means it will get fixed quicker!). Or head over to our Discord where we have a dedicated section for bug reports.

The Discord is also great place for us to answer any miscellaneous questions or support requests. If you would like to chat to a member of the dev team directly, that is the best place to contact us.

Finally, if you'd like to support during our final push, since we are self published we rely heavily on word of mouth to introduce people to the game. So tell your friends, share a link to the steam page on discord, or let a streamer who might be interested in the game know about it. We appreciate it!


- The GUARDS! Team -

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