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Legendary Tales update for 1 March 2024

Third weekly patch after 1.0 update

Share · View all patches · Build 13599073 · Last edited 1 March 2024 – 18:32:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-OST : Desolate Moonlight -

Hello, Legendary Tales fans.
Third patch Is now available. (Already pushed)
From the 1.0 update, we have been working to solve problems our fans have ASAP for the clean game experience for our fans.

As always, we have brought some features that our fans asked. Such as Inventory organize, enemy HP UI on/off feature for better immersion, added “!” mark to own Graveyard only to find it easy and more. I really appreciate all your feedback and as always, we are happy to help you, our fans and gamers.

Since last update, many of Steam users have written reviews, some of them changed their opinions. Because people changed, updated their opinions on Steam review, now new users can have up-to-date information about the game, and it actually helped our sales a bit! I guess they read your reviews, I believe I meant something. I really appreciate your help.
We are still mostly positive on Steam, I know we can’t make everyone happy, but if you are satisfied, please concern to write review on Steam to help us.

Also, Let me remind you, There is Legendary Tales OST is published on Steam. Some people ask me how to support Legendary Tales project and us. Buying OST is easiest way to do it.
(And we don’t need to pay 5% of royalties to Unreal Engine for OST sales!)

Following the last announcement, we are currently working on Localization for many different languages. Thanks for great community! Many of people working on it voluntarily and they never stop it, if you look at Japanese channel, they are working on it as a great team and making Legendary Translation I believe.
As a result, we could support these languages in the future: English, Korean, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech.
(It is not final list, depends on how it goes, can be vary at the end)
Based on what I see. some of them are just translator level of Localization, but still, I think it means a lot for some our fans in the world.

To support new languages, we need to focus on texts, it needs a lot of time and when it is finished, it needs Full QA again to support new languages on PSVR2. It means we can’t push any update until we finish Localization.
So, we can’t push any update anytime soon even there is serious problem anyone find during this period.
Thank you for your patient and understand.

Best regards,


Added features based on Feedbacks

Inventory organize feature - Added
For better immersion, enemy HP UI on/off in game settings - Added
Item grinder is placed in each dungeon now.
! mark float above own Graveyard only, you can find your Graveyard easily even with Multiplay!
Some of VFX brightness downed.



Game Balance

Altair does not collide with Psychic shield anymore..
Quest clear reward randomly selected if player doesn’t select anything, now default is first reward of the lit.
Respec feature does not reset Legendary skills anymore.
Pyroclastic - Mana reduction option have been chanced.

Fighting spirit – Melee Weapon Condition - Added
Beat up A - Melee Weapon Condition - Added
Beat up B - Melee Weapon Condition - Added

Bulk up - Lv 1,2 give absolute HP bonus now.
Bulk up – After LV 3, Player gets HP bonus Per Vit
Stone skin – Lv1 give bonus Physical resist.
Stone skin - After Lv2, player gets Physical resist per Vit

Bug Fix

Plasma coil will be destroyed if there is not enough speed
Final boss room being reset although not all players died – Fixed
(It was hard to addressed for us because it seems it happens because of Network ping delay. I wish we have fixed but if it happens again, Let us know)
Mimic sometimes stop attacking after first attack – Fixed
Icicle launcher doesn’t deal damage from client – Fixed
Some times, Some of Legendary skills didn’t work in certain situation – Fixed
Quest doesn’t update when player kills Tormented Gladiator from far away- Fixed
Other players could have eaten Meat from your holster – Fixed

Windows Legendary Tales For publishing Depot 1465071
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Windows Legendary Tales For Beta-testing Depot 1465072
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Windows Legendary Tales For Developer Depot 1465073
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