Version 0.00.3800 is released with new content!
- New test questions : build sentence from audio and find missing word in sentence from audio
- Added “fake” blocks during build sentence exercices
- Battle difficulty balancing (more questions and variety)
- Improvements on Smart Test and battle UI / UX
- Improved text typing effect, and added some text animations
- Improvements on Japanese content (better dialogue, improved some explanations, …)
- Changed よろしく to よろしくおねがいします (polite form)
- Changed ありがとう to ありがとうございます (polite form)
- Changed おはよう to おはようございます (polite form)
- Rework on early game lessons (airport, bus station)
- Reduced the use of はい / いいえ to sound more natural
- Increased duration of some “bubble dialogues”
- Added slow calligraphy button
- Improved calligraphy animations
- Other UI / UX improvements
- Fixed issue after Kinoko Sensei’s introduction (game could not continue, and needed to be reboot)
- Localization and bug fixes
Changed files in this update