Rifts Major Update
Changelog :
- New Rifts Event Across All Acts
- New Artifact "Void Wrath"
- New Arenas Map "Ravenous Tundra"
- New Enemy Type "Cloaker"
- New Weapon "GL.40mm"
- New Reload Cancelling
- Overhauled Melee Combat
- Artifact Power "Swift Phase" Reworked
- Artifact Power "Fists Of Fire" Improved
- Revisioned Some Mythical Tier Weapons
- Shooting Now Uses Stamina
- Base Stamina Regen Rate Increased
- Improved Instant Kill Pickup
- Improved Ground Looting
- Improved Continue Run UI
- Fixed Bug Where Boss Would Immediately Spawn In Some Arenas Maps
It's been 2 months now since the full release update,
now here is the first major update, with more to come in the future.
Scheduling of these major updates will be significantly slowed compared
to during S.E.C.U. Early Access period, expect 2-3 months for major updates now,
As my time and priority has been shifted to Burkina Faso: Radical Insurgency,
a new game i am currently developing.
I've never really said thanks to you all since full release, really thank you for all those
who have supported me, the full release launch i didn't expect to get this many sales.
All of you guys helped me a lot thank you again, got to pay the people who have helped development on S.E.C.U. bought myself an 1tb nvme SSD for more development storage and soon some new computer peripherals and funded my next game well.
See you all in the next major update, or the early access launch of BF:RI
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Changed files in this update