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MAJOR Ultimate Arena update for 29 February 2024

Ultimate Arena 6.0 - Leap of Faith

Share · View all patches · Build 13592352 · Last edited 29 February 2024 – 17:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

It's Ultimate Arena's 2nd (err.. 8th?) birthday, and we are delivering one of the most requested features in our latest 6.0 update: Ultrawide and Scaling support.

What's changed?

When Ultimate Arena was written, it ran exclusively in windowed mode at 720p. This made sense at the time because it was meant to be played on stream at 1080p, and that gave room for additional content for the streamer. Over the years higher and higher resolution screens have become readily available, and often not in 16:9 ratio - the only aspect ratio Ultimate Arena supports.

Today, you can finally play Ultimate Arena at the correct aspect ratio in fullscreen on any display >720p. This was accomplished by reworking the code for every single menu and window in the game. This glorious improvement allows for Ultrawide support, but also 4:3, 5:4, and 16:10. You can now play Ultimate Arena with fullscreen on a Steam Deck. This massive quality of life change we hope will bring you back to the Arena, one more time.

What's to come?

In a future update we will have an integer scaling option for those who want to run at extra high resolutions (i.e. 4k 3840x2160) to scale the picture up from 1/2 or 1/3 the resolution. This will ensure that Ultimate Arena remains playable even as our pixel counts creep into the tens of millions.

Closing thoughts

Thank you for making Ultimate Arena an incredible best seller! This update is for you!


Windows English Ultimate Arena Content Depot 385241
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