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Hakan's War Manager update for 28 February 2024

HWM Early Access & Development Update V.0.3.7

Share · View all patches · Build 13591993 · Last edited 28 February 2024 – 19:26:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Mighty Khans!

In our latest weekly update, we've made several small changes based on the valuable feedback we received from our dedicated players. Your insights are crucial in refining the game, and we appreciate the time and effort you invest in our game.


  • Auto Squad instead of Quickly Squad: The term "Auto Squad" is now used for better clarity, replacing the previous "Quickly Squad".
  • Clear Leader instead of Delete All Squad: To enhance understanding, "Clear Leader" is now used instead of "Delete All Squad."
  • Player's Clan Highlight in League Rankings: Your clan is now highlighted in the league rankings, making it easier to locate and track.
  • Units Killed instead of Most Unit Destroy: The terminology "Units Killed" is now used instead of "Most Unit Destroy" for improved clarity.
  • Surviving Units instead of Staying Alive Strike: The term "Surviving Units" is now employed instead of "Staying Alive Strike,"
  • Scout Leader Explanation Fix: The levels in the scout leader explanation have been adjusted to align with the corresponding stars, ensuring accurate information.

A special thanks to CodeNick from our Discord community for pointing out these important considerations. Your engagement and feedback continue to shape the game, and we're committed to delivering an even more enjoyable experience.

Major Update: Translation Progress

We're excited to announce that the Turkish translation of the game is nearly complete! However, we're at a crucial decision point regarding translations into other languages. We're considering using Google Translate, but we want your feedback on this. Do you think it's a good idea to use Google Translate for other languages? Your input will help us make an informed decision.

(Last Note) New Ideas and Customization: We're always eager to explore new ideas, and this week, we've received some fantastic suggestions from our community. A special thanks to Rako for bringing in great ideas! One noteworthy suggestion is the potential for making the game customizable. Our team is looking into this, and we'll keep you, Khans, updated on any developments.

Thank you for being part of the "Hakan's War Manager" community!

Best regards,

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