We have just released a small update fixing multiple issues. Another patch is in the works and will be released soon. Thank you very much to our community for reporting these issues. We are reviewing bug reports, reading feedback, and getting fixes out as soon as we can.
1.5.2 Patch Notes
- Initiative drivers only pick up deals when their vehicle meets all special requirements (for example: non-luxury will not pickup customer with luxury requirement)
- Large Cargo will no longer spawn in base campaigns when player owns the DLC
- New rewards in unlockables are now auto unlocked if player has reached required number of stars in campaign before update
- Phone HQ polished (no small texts on toggles anymore)
- Fixed Impounded vehicle in maintenance section
- Fixed UI overlapping texts
- Fixed no maps showing in campaign
- Fixed JSON error while downloading map in Free Play
- Fixed incorrect Commission value in Driver tool tip
- Fixed various translation issues
- Fixed upkeep value not changing when driver Commission is changed into Daily Pay
- Fixed driver salary decreased by wrong value when using reward "Decrease driver salary"
- Fixed Back button causing error while loading map
Changed files in this update