This patch does the following:
- Fixes an issue where fleeing people kept climbing through terrain.
- When chosing an exit, fleeing units will now take into account where hostile units are positioned. Also made a few other improvements to fleeing mechanics.
- Fixes some scaling errors.
- Ensures that siege positions are linked to specific areas. (Will require players to set new siege positions in certain cases.)
- Resolves an issue of grass spawning on weird places when returning to prefabs.
- Fixes a weird issue of creating 'rope-breaking health bars' without any rope.
- Corrects AI defending behavior, preventing them from attacking their own drawbridges.
- The spell 'Searing beam' did not affect drawbridges, and the aim was very off. This has been fixed.
- A few more UI enhancements.
Best wishes and lots of love! <3
Changed files in this update