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Farmer's Life update for 28 February 2024

Update 1.0.13

Share · View all patches · Build 13587494 · Last edited 28 February 2024 – 17:32:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • We've improved the readability of the information conveyed in the game's introduction.
  • Kazimierz has learned how to build two new types of garage sheds. They are perfect as a garage for a combine harvester or as a roof for distillery farms.
  • Physically active stacks of items (barrels, bags, boxes, cubes, etc.) now constitute an obstacle for animal navigation.
  • While plowing with horses, it's no longer necessary to manually ensure the camera is facing the right direction.
  • Pop-up notifications are now more readable.
  • Dead animals left on the ground decompose on their own after a few months.
  • In the summer, herbivorous animals become hungry much slower, but they do not replace the mower or scythe. Grass still needs to be removed manually.
  • Unwanted stacks of hay, grass, straw, etc., can be removed by burning them with the help of a kerosene lamp. The same applies to cubes and hay drying racks. The racks themselves are fire-resistant.
  • Chaff cutters and threshers can be loaded by throwing the appropriate items onto them, both in cubes and in loose form using forks.
  • Mowing now generates significantly less grass. This applies to both the scythe and the mower, as well as the combine harvester.
  • Grass and its rotting derivatives do not turn into rotten mush after winter but simply decompose and disappear without a trace.
  • It's possible to spear cubes on forks and throw them. The cubes, not the forks.
  • Animals can now be cleaned by dousing them with water from a bucket.
  • It's now possible to milk cows and goats without taking them out of their stalls. Remember, even locked stalls can feed... remotely. Just let them out for a walk sometimes, ok?
  • Kazimierz can use fast travel even when overloaded. But travelling on foot, on bike or an animal might take more time, depending on carried weight.
  • The sound range of animal footsteps is now significantly reduced.
  • Two new volume sliders have appeared in the settings: for our "dialogs" (otherwise known as mumbling) and for Kazimierz's footsteps.
  • The range of the mouse sensitivity slider in the settings has been significantly widened.
  • The availability of scrap at Stefan's and the twins at the sawmill has increased.
  • The production of vodka (based on oat mash) is now just as profitable as the production of other alcohols.
  • Using the map through the inventory button no longer drops the boxes carried in hands, allowing for the use of fast travel with boxes in hands when playing with a controller.
  • Picking up items from wagons or trailers will no longer cause explosions or jittering. However, a solid displacement of the vehicle can still occur, because Kazek is really a strong guy.
  • Priest Mateusz has discovered a new tradition of the Kazimierz family and has an idea for a related new task.
Farmer's Life Content Depot 1137751
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