Added a restart button in the pause menu
Added a "speedrun timer" option
- This counts real-time during gameplay (including when halt is active), but pauses when the shop/options are open.
- A new entry is listed on the game over screen when this is enabled
The controller-cursor during Smiley fight is now colored based on the player's color
Reserve no longer appears until the player has an active ability
- Fixed "press Tab" tooltip appearing in multiplayer
- Fixed multiplayer screen replacing the control remapping section of the options after exiting to the title
- Fixed the controller-cursor not appearing in real window mode
- Fixed timed mode smiley not appearing in real window mode
- Included timed mode smiley layer adjustments in "broken transparency mode"
- Fixed broken window not being exitable sometimes (for real this time!)
- Increased visible covered area of hole
Changed files in this update