[The Sealed Palace]When unlocking the chest of the Armor of Ultimate Soul, there is now an old chanting.
[The Legend of an Elf King]Added an image from 20 years ago as a flashback when the Dark Elf King asks you to go into the Sealed Palace.
[The Sealed Palace]The right side of the Throne room is now accessible.
[The Sealed Palace]Added a one-way teleport circle that allows you to teleport out of the Sealed Palace.
[The Sealed Palace]Added cooking/alchemy devices on the right side of the Throne room.
[The Sealed Palace]Added an Alter of Book on the right side of the Throne room.
[Skill]New Skill: Localized Earthquake
[The Sealed Palace]Added a spellbook of Localized Earthquake on the right side of the Throne room.
[The Sealed Palace]The fountain at the Qinuyi Underwater Checkpoint can now teleport you to any floors you have visited in the Sealed Palace.
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