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Critterball Derby update for 20 June 2024

Critterball Derby has now released!

Share · View all patches · Build 13583440 · Last edited 20 June 2024 – 11:52:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Play 8 round games either for fun or for ranked play against other teams. Hit the ball and try to get a homerun and throw some pitches to make the rival batter miss for an easy out. In a non-ranked match. You can choose your starting positions. In ranked play for each season, the difficulty is scaled to your team's win rate as you compete to become the champions.

Homerun challenges allows for batting for points against certain pitchers who are the best of the best. Their unique abilities makes each a fight to not get three strikes quickly. Getting 25 points unlocks the next pitcher, and there are 10 unique pitchers to challenge in total.

Fully customize your players, team name, and your team color to make your team feel more like you. Replace teammates whenever you want to when you believe their stats aren't up to shape. Every hit, strike, point, and out is recorded for your own viewing and management.

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