In addition to the hotfixes below, we updated the LOWSPEC branch of DoD, it includes support for both DX12 SM5 and Vulkan for older machines. We cannot guarantee it will work on your system, but it is worth trying.
To play on LOWSPEC, In Steam Library, right click Day of Dragons > Properties > Betas > Change to lowspec
In Lowspec, you have the option of running with startup option -vulkan or -dx12. It is worth trying both.
This Hotfix focuses on scalability settings and bug fixes. We have elected to focus on performance improvements and optimizations before adding new content into the game.
Client Hotfix
- Fixed Shadow Cloak breaking when using a pearl skin overlay when it is active
- Reworked Graphics Settings for Improved Performance
- Added New Very Low "Potato" Graphic Setting for Maximum Framerate and Minimum Eye Candy
- Dragon Eyes are no longer cloudy
- Removed the Brown Tint from Melanistic skins
- Improved the look of Shadow Scale Gold skins
- Added /ct 2400 command to chat /help for admins
- Blitz/Brood Spawn Menu Options have been Disabled with "COMING SOON" tooltip added until they are added to help avoid confusion
- Fixed Biolumin Mythical Skin
Most Flame Stalker and Biolumin Skins show as Iconic. This should be fixed in the next hotfix.
Changed depots in lowspec branch