It's been a while! I'm still working on the game on my spare time, so obviously the game is not ready for the 1.0 release but we are slowly approaching this big milestone. This patch has a lot of stuff, major bug fixes and a new feature called Transfer which makes the Break mechanic more game changing. Next patch is coming next month with big quality of life changes so stay tuned!
Main Menu
- Title Screen has been reworked entirely. Hope you’ll like it!
- Character Selection now displays all the information about the character you choose. You won’t start a new run without knowing his stats and capacities (it was about time!).
Meta Progression
- Permanent upgrades are gone! The meta progression in Tower of Spirit was not very interesting, as it only provides flat stats bonus. Plus, the game’s overall balance suffered a lot from it. A new system is coming next patch, more on that below.
- New Transfer mechanic! Whenever you perform a Break, your character can transfer his free turn to another character of your group. It means so much synergy and strategy can be deployed and experimented with. Please note it does not change the rest of the turn order, so it is possible with a transfer that a character play two times in a row. And of course, if he’s able to perform a Break as well, he can play more or transfer to another character!
- Reworked the VFX when a break is triggered.
- Increased Pejius and Reyna' speed.
- Kora’s passive has been reworked! The counter attack is gone and that’s for the best, since it caused countless game breaking bugs regularly. The new passive gives Kora a flat 25% critical chance on all her attacks.
- Pejius’ passive has been simplified slightly to accommodate the rework of the burn status effect (see below). All his attacks apply burn status and that’s already enough considering his potential with the new burn effect.
- Added a unique visual effect when Krouet’s Passive capacity is triggered.
- Decreased several enemies' speed.
Status Effect
- Burn has been completely reworked! New effect : Increase damage received by 1 per stack of burn.
- Some status effect’s descriptions have been changed slightly for greater clarity on the effects applied.
- Status effect’s tooltip now displays the visual of the status.
- Whenever you find a new emblem and have enough emblem nodes to equip it, the emblem is automatically equipped.
- Increased Thief Crest emblem’s trigger effect to 10 or 20 Gold if upgraded (previously 5 or 10 Gold if upgraded).
- Added new and specific visual effects when Thief Crest is triggered.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with specific emblems which prevent the game to continue whenever you reach the second area.
- Fixed an issue with camera settings which could cause some visual and performance problems over time.
- Fixed an issue with several UI elements not properly triggering sound effects when the player interacts with them.
- Fixed an issue related with Biggy whenever it was rolling which prevented the channeling VFX to not show properly, since this is considered a channeling attack.
- Fixed an issue with characters and enemies spawning causing performance drops over time.
- Fixed an issue with on turn start effects (poison, burn,...) which could be triggered several times during a single turn.
- Fixed inconsistency issue with the status effect system, which could make the same status act differently depending if it was applied on player’s characters or enemies.
- Fixed an issue with the tooltip system causing performance issues over time.
- Fixed a visual glitch appearing whenever a new character was added to the active group.
- Fixed an issue where some basic attacks did not trigger the effects (Thief’s Gloves Emblem, MP Recovery, etc…).
What's next?
Next month, a new feature will be introduced: the starting snacks! It will give players different kinds of bonus to start a new run with. The goal is to speed things up at the begining, allowing you to reach the cool part of the game faster. Some bonus are also designed to help players who struggle with the difficulty.
Without spoiling everything, here is a quick preview of one of the starting snack's effect:
More stuff are also coming next month to deeply improve the game's experience. A new character is also coming along the way (cannot guarantee it will be included in march's patch though, still a lot of design work and animation to complete before.
Thanks for the support!
Changed files in this update