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Our Adventurer Guild update for 27 February 2024

Patch 0.903

Share · View all patches · Build 13578555 · Last edited 27 February 2024 – 18:09:32 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • fixed an issue where skills from items would still reset their charges on every encounter, despite it being per rest
  • Ashenland maps have been revamped to no longer generate lonely islands. This was on purpose but I didnt realize that there could be issues with monster spawns
    (If you load a save in the middle of an Ashenlands Quest prior to this patch, you might notice some odd map glitches like tiles being obstructed despite nothing on it or vice versa. That should be only the case in that instance and further Quests should no longer have that issue.)
  • Fixed a bug where Magical Penetration was not taken into account for the Damage calculation. Kinda scared of the implication of this one so I reverted the Magic Penetration buff in the last patch
  • Fixed a tooltip error saying talents add 50% growth when in actuality they only add 30%

Gameplay Changes:

  • greatly reduced legendary hide drop, Monsters were giving them away like candies
  • Galeforce Arrow from the Hurricane Bow no longer costs sp and only has CD of 1 now
  • Nerfed Daryl's "Accurate and Deadly"-Skill to increase crit only by every 3 point of Hitchance beyond 100.
  • Reduced the Threshholds for title advancements. To make it clearer: you need 25 fame points for the first stage. You gain fame points for completing quests with the adventurer. Every star in a quest is equal to a fame point. So to reach the first stage you'd need to complete 5 5-Star Quests to reach stage 1. for the Second stage you need 100. So you need to complete 10 5-Star Quests to reach stage 3.(I'll add a tutorial entry in a future patch)
  • Reverted last buff to "Spell Penetration II" after I found out Magical Penetration wasn't working
  • Lowered Damage scaling of purge evil. Too much damage for such a big AOE spell

Quality of life:

  • Added filter and sort options for the Training Ground
  • Multiple Levels wil now be processed individually. You can now reroll for each levelup
Windows Depot 2026001
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