- Added new Nautikin "Chum chummington"
- Added map icon sorting for consistency between single player and multiplayer
- Added direction arrows for ladders in build mode
- Added save and quit button
- Added player list to in game menu
- Added date to log files to better help with keeping track of log files from players for bug fixes
- Added map button to center on the controlled object
- Added button "G" to make Nautikins speak on demand
- Added BeaconPart
- Added Emergency Beacon item
- Added some of the new items to various buy shacks on different islands
- Added "No crew available" dialog when attempting to launch when there are no crew members
- Added some dynamic physics logic to allow Nautikins to both push vessels and be pulled by vessels with ropes
- Added info popup when switching between parts that may not be visible using keys
- Added ragdoll to shark
- Added SFX to shark bite
- Added new item Shark Meat
- Added new feature to disable specific engines with interaction mode
- Added misc settings tab to UI
- Added misc setting to disable weather while in build mode
- Added misc setting to open map to controlled
- Fixed a bug related to getting off short ladders
- Fixed an error message when server cleans up Nautikins in map cranes
- Fixed a bug where Nautikins in map cranes are cleaned up even when "Cleanup controlled" is unchecked
- Fixed bug with initial ship engine state for uncontrolled vessels when joining multiplayer
- Fixed a bug where map colliders do not load when switching between quality levels when memory mode is persistant
- Fixed some bugs with destroyed aircraft engines being considered for various calculations
- Fixed a bug where vegetation chunks don't load if you switch back and forth between quality levels without closing menu
- Fixed bug with undo stack in build mode that caused sample mode to stop working until you click on something
- Fixed a bug with mass when loading inventory with no items
- Fixed an animation bug related to interaction mode and getting in seats in multiplayer
- Fixed an animation issue with arms when fast jumping out of whatever while moving forward
- Fixed an error message that added fuel cables as a vessel damageable part in multiplayer (doesn't really do anything)
- Fixed some background errors on client when server shuts down
- Fixed some background errors related to destroying the vessel you are in with weapons on said vessel
- Fixed a disconnect error caused by server cleaning up vessels while players are joining (will now trigger an error message)
- Fixed some tooltips on server tab
- Fixed an inventory bug related to dragging when inventory is not open
- Fixed a bug that could prevent interaction mode if you open the map while hovering over drydock with m and then control something
- Fixed a bug where fired harpoons do not sync properly when clients join
- Fixed a bug with seat exit positions when joining games in progress
- Fixed a bug where drydock doors damage vessels on client when drydock is in use by server
- Fixed a bug that prevented steel cables from working when attached to network parts
- Fixed a position scan bug with drydock launch obstruction detection
- Fixed a bug that allowed Nautikins to sink quickly in the water
- Fixed some inconsistant deformation between colliders and visible mesh when damaging vessels
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to walk underwater with structures angled into the water
- Fixed a config issue with ramp part and uniform scaling
- Fixed a bug with build mode where vessel name could be reset
- Fixed some issues with welder activating when clicking on unrelated things
- Fixed some issues with extinguisher activating when clicking on unrelated things
- Fixed a config issue with submarine seat in build mode
- Fixed a bug where pilot helmet would drop under feet
- Fixed some underwater lighting issues
- Fixed a bug where whirlpool music can get stuck on
- Fixed some background errors when right clicking while dragging inventory items
- Fixed problem with PhysX initialization with loaded vessels
- Fixed a bug with fuel usage for vessels with multiple modes
- Fixed a multiplayer bug related to attempting to pickup items when you have no room
- Fixed a bug in build mode that allowed unmirrored placement when spamming clone
- Fixed a bug where Nautikins cannot be injured point blank by deck weapons
- Fixed a bug where Nautikins did not use gravity on death
- Fixed some problems with aircrafts throttle UI with variables geared engines
- Fixed a bug where Nautikins can get stuck in pilot seat when crashing into the water
- Fixed a bug with sampling materials on lights
- Fixed some errors related to aggressive mirrored stacking / cloning and undo stack
- Fixed a bug where locking ship steering on one ship and then returning later would not update UI
- Fixed a timing issues with seats in multiplayer
- Fixed a physics bug where Nautikins can pull a boat they are standing on with ropes
- Fixed some item configs
- Fixed a bug with landing gear where it would not apply brakes when uncontrolled
- Fixed a bug where runway build more would not align to the correct rotation when using surface align option
- Fixed surface align configs for some sea plane vent parts
- Fixed some problems with shark mesh
- Fixed a bug with sharks where they were still thinking when dead
- Fixed some bugs with how shark chooses where to swim
- Fixed a bug where inventory closes when clicking on context menu outside of window
- Fixed a gap in dock / map
- Fixed a minor physics sync bug with ships
- Fixed a minor timing issue with fuel loading from save file
- Fixed a bug where bow thrusters do not sync in multiplayer
- Fixed a bug with crane damage
- Fixed a shadow problem with point blank bullet impacts
- Fixed a bug where external lights can show in build area if fog rolls in while in build mode
- Fixed a layout issue with disembark button that prevented clicking the very left side
- Fixed some background warnings that could occur when cleaning up Nautikins
- Fixed a tiny mesh issue with Nautikins wrists while wearing jumpsuits
- Fixed collider precision for jet wing
- Fixed collider precision for plane wing
- Fixed collider precision for plane rear wing
- Fixed collider precision for sea plane wing
- Fixed collider precision for sea plane rear wing
- Fixed a bug with part placement in build mode related to specific parts
- Fixed a bug where button state are incorrect when transferring to drydock from runway when it has not be used yet
- Fixed a bug with landing gear when deploying from drydock
- Fixed some map LODs
- Fixed a problem with Skull island waterfall
- Fixed a problem with underwater rendering when near shoreline at Skull island
- Fixed a bug where other Nautikins could trigger Oxygen bar
- Fixed a bug when joining a game when items are dropped on vessels
- Fixed a bug with crane physics in multiplayer
- Fixed a bug with far away boats that have observers but no driver in multiplayer
- Fixed a bug with delivery indicators when joining a game
- Fixed a bug with loading saved secured containers for deliveries
- Fixed a bug where landing gear extend automatically in multiplayer when using different types of landing gear
- Fixed an accuracy issue with saving ropes in multiplayer
- Fixed a problem where Nautikins could be blown away by strong wind when on platforms
- Fixed a timing issue when attempting to observe a vessel that was destroyed in multiplayer
- Fixed a background issue with clearing platforms
- Fixed a timing issue that sometimes allowed questionably placed weapons to fire into the side of the vessel when turning
- Fixed a bug where getting out of a seat in a subvessel can causing you to pass through a fast moving vessel
- Fixed a bug where server could not reset map cranes if they were controlled by someone else
- Fixed a bug where crane lift cargo would not release when resetting map cranes
- Fixed a problem with uneven drag physics on mirrored parts that could cause steering issues
- Fixed a bug where g-forces are not calculated on clients in multiplayer
- Improved some network serialization calls related to syncing multiplayer
- Fires can now start from any impact above max damage
- Exploding vessels are now more likely to incapacitate crew
- Code now handles bad data for save files made during development
- Code will now handle corrupted item stacks and attempt to correct them from old saves
- Nautikins will now automatically swim across the surface of the water instead of entering / exiting the water when swimming upward
- Placement triggers will no longer block sample / apply material in build mode
- Ropes and cables are now hidden when in build mode
- Fuel cables are now ignored in build mode
- Adjusted default LOD bias for staff building that looked a little goofy
- Vessel platforms are now saved with the vessel
- Changed the way that physics load for vessels when loading a save file with platform vessels
- Vessel platforms will no longer clear when entering the water with steel cables attached
- Vessel launch obstruction detection will now ignore underwater placement if you choose to launch with obstructions
- Disabled log warnings for Emoticons in waypoints
- Underwater music no longer plays during whirlpool music
- Smoke emitters now force uniform scaling when part is scaled in a non-uniform way
- Build mode will no longer allow changing adjustment modes with hot keys while adjusting
- Activities view can now be closed using escape key instead of just the button
- Refactoring for in game menu changes
- Changed save behavior to allow waiting for save completion prior to quit
- Changed the way indicators display to better support beacons
- Deck weapons will no longer change the exit position as you rotate
- Other players can no longer access inventories controlled by other players
- Helicopter rotors now calculate drag more effectively for multiple rotor aircraft
- Throttle is now locked per vessel
- Minor optimization to vessel saving / loading
- Increased the number of inventory slots that Nautikins have in sandbox mode
- Inventory windows will now close other tooltips if you attempt to start dragging while one is open
- Changing displays with dropdown no longer requires restart
- Resolutions dropdown will now update when changing monitors
- Display dropdown will now update when using Alt+Enter
- Fullscreen mode dropdown will now update when using Alt+Enter
- Forces can now pull a Nautikin off a platform
- Updated some tooltips in activities view
- Structures built with build areas will now transfer the inventory of any containers when re-deploying
- Multiple sharks can now spawn
- Changed the way that sharks spawn
- Sharks can now be different sizes
- Updated shark LOD
- Sharks are now pushable
- Sharks will now respond to attacks
- Sharks will now swim away if no one is around
- Sharks will now hang out for a little bit in case you come back before leaving
- Sharks will now spawn if Nautikins are merely near the water as well as in the water
- Sharks will now contain meat and/or golden shells when defeated
- Increased reward for rescuing Nautikins during rescues
- Improved Nautikins ability to swim across the ocean floor
- Improved smoothness of swimming out of water
- Nautikins will no longer slowly move down slopes when standing still
- Far away Nautikins will no longer drift slowly over time when standing on a slope
- Nautikins will no longer get wet when entering the water in airtight seats
- Vessels that are not controlled can now be controlled from Seats without having to use the map when they already have a driver
- Nautikins can now activate the buy shacks with e
- Transparent Vessel UI element bars are now more visible when empty
- Changed the wrists on Nautikin pilot suit to better conform to skin
- Performance improvements to build mode hiding of external objects
- Performance improvements to vessel damage
- Improved helicopter control when using multiple rear rotors
- Changed the way rotors respond when touching water
- Changed surface align for bow thrusters
- Changed surface align for submarine tail
- Changed surface align for submarine stabilizer
- Changed surface align for plane landing gear
- Changed surface align for helicopter skid gear
- Changed surface align for helicopter stabilizer
- Changed surface align for helicopter tail
- Surface align will now restore the selected part rotation when turning off
- Performance vegetation density now displays in 1/1000 instead of 0.01/1 so that more decimal places can be displayed when close to 0
- Performance tab is now truncated on lower resolution screens to make room for Misc. tab
- Enemy AI can now be stood on / count as platforms
- Helicopter rotors will no longer auto feather
- Improved save / load for vessel platforms
Other changes
This build also includes changes from the most recent experimental build
"New Vessel" should only appear when the game is first started, "New" is clicked, or a transfer has occurred. Previously this was reset when exiting the drydock but the last vessel is now always saved until you deliberately delete it to prevent losing your work or inconsistent behavior for Launch vs Exit
Speak ability does not currently have a controller binding
Helicopter rotors are intended to produce diminishing returns with altitude and more rotors. They are optimal for single rotor designs but will now function better with duel rotor designs and even quad rotors in terms of drag. Beyond quad rotors you may not be able to effectively control an aircraft with the current rotor specs (more rotor parts are planned for the future)
Light material groups can only apply / sample colors.
Pulling another player with a vessel in the air using a rope does not work very well because of the way that Physics sync.
If you remove a structure inventory container from the design or move it in a way that cannot be inferred the inventory items will still be deleted. If you re-arrange containers it is also possible their contents will be swapped, but that won't really be noticeable if they are the same part unless you have separate colors on them or something.
The shark limit is currently 3 for performance and multiplayer impact, spawning more than 1 shark is far less probable than 1 shark.
When you disable / turn off engines, they will automatically come back on at the speed you turned them off and or the current throttle. While not 100% realistic, it is more functional than having to stop and stop all engines to get things running smoothly again and it prevents you from falling out of the sky if you are building something complex and changing engines states mid air.
Guides will be updated soon.
Changed files in this update