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Paint by Cubes update for 1 March 2024

Paint by Cubes is going Live now! Happy gaming!

Share · View all patches · Build 13575304 · Last edited 1 March 2024 – 14:46:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Going Live!

Paint by Cubes is now available worldwide - why not try it yourself? ;)

There is quite a number of levels and they're all split into gameplay mechanic themed regions - each level selection region comes with a new mechanic, that's starting to appear throughout the levels available in this region and stay with the player for the next game sections.

Within the region, it's up to you if you'll go for the 100% region completionist goal or just rush for the last in-region level (completeing which will give you access to new region and set of levels).

You'll also encounter number of skull-iconed levels - these are typically the more difficult ones, often with a more complex pattern you'll need to find on the level ;)

Further development plans!

In the upcoming days we'll be uploading some small updates to the game, adding more/better tutorials, adding some additional in-game visual effects and adding some additional polish to the UI scaling and elements.

As for the next bigger steps, we've already started development of our first DLC and it will be available in next couple months - we'll keep you updated on how the development is progressing :)

The DLC will mostly focus on a couple sets of new regions with additional mechanics, that are already in the level-planning phase - stay tuned and have fun with our game!


We strongly encourage you to post all your feedback about the game in the Community Hub - we'll try to include them in our next planned game updates!

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