**Hi there,
Today, I'm releasing the second update focusing on the combat system, as well as related aspects such as issuing commands and using potions. The update slightly changes the game's appearance and tones down the color scheme, which was previously too vivid. It adds new visual effects and updates sounds. Several new musical tracks have been added to the game, which we'll hear during combat, along with some new sound effects. Additionally, a new mission has been introduced, which I hope you'll enjoy (picture below).
Furthermore, listening to player feedback, I've implemented several systems that allow the player to more easily control their settlement and their people.
I have many ideas that will surely be implemented with upcoming updates, one of which is a new game mode where the player won't have a time limit, and I hope you'll have the opportunity to test it soon.**
- When a footman is struck while holding the shield up, they are pushed back, but less forcefully.
- The player cannot push the opponent's units.
- Changed the way damage dealt is displayed on the opponent's health bar.
- Added a new crosshair that appears when hitting an opponent with a sword.
- Modified the behavior of unit bodies upon death.
- Modified the behavior of unit bodies after receiving damage.
- If the player has at least 1 shield durability point, they can defend themselves.
- The parabola of unit arrow shots is smaller (less convex).
- Effects showing the path of a flying arrow do not disappear immediately if the arrow does not hit a unit.
- Units do not approach the player if they jump and are still within attack range.
- Units will spread out more during combat and not focus solely on the nearest opponent.
- Units can change their speed when approaching an opponent.
- Shooting units will not always shoot with lead aiming at the opponent's position.
Command System Update
- Added 3 new commands: Attack, Armory, and Cancel Command.
- Commands are available in combat mode.
- Changed the keys responsible for selecting commands.
- Changed the size of command windows.
- Command icons are less visible if we cannot use them.
Potion System Update
- Modified the appearance of potion icons.
- Added a visual effect when drinking a potion.
- Changed the way potion effect display works; now an additional icon is shown.
- Modified the functionality of potions.
- Added descriptions of potion effects in the berry farm menu.
Receiving Potions and Arrows
- Removed windows for receiving potions in the berry farm and arrows in the archery workshop.
- Added buttons for receiving potions and arrows.
- Potions and arrows can now be received from the Armory and any Warehouse.
Information Icon Update
- Changed the position of information icons.
- Added an icon indicating the number of employed workers.
- A worker returning to the starting point is treated as an idle worker.
- A worker carrying a berry bush to the berry farm is no longer counted as a worker with a bush.
Sound and Music Update
- Increased the volume of nature sounds.
Modified some sounds to make them sound better and convey more power.
Modified Sounds
- Hammer strikes.
- Building placement.
- Changing the target point for unit buildings.
- Tree chopping.
- Mining stone/gold/iron.
- Bow shot.
- Arrow hitting a unit.
- Arrow hitting shields.
- Unit hitting shields with a club.
- Unit or player hitting shields with a sword.
- Unit hitting with a club.
- Unit hitting with a sword.
- Arrow hitting the ground.
- Buttons in the management menu.
- Hitting a building.
New Sounds
- Added sound for upgrade creation.
- Added sound for building upgrade.
- Added sound for unit kill.
- Added sound effect for flying arrows.
- Added sound for potion creation.
- Added sound for potion removal.
- Added sound for potion taking.
New Musical Tracks
- Added 5 musical tracks that play during combat.
- Added 1 new track that plays outside of combat.
- Woodcutting workers will always search for the nearest tree from the collection point.
- Units try to avoid pushing the player and attempt to bypass them.
- Sped up bow shooting animations for the player.
- Sped up weapon holstering and drawing animations for the player.
- Modified sword attack animations for the player.
Visual Changes, New Objects, and Effects
- Changed image hue.
- Altered terrain texture colors.
- Textures have an additional layer allowing elements to appear convex or concave.
- Changed grass color.
- Changed color of wheat growing near berry bushes.
- Added new types of rocks covered in moss.
- Changed particle color after building construction.
New Effects
- Added fog effect.
- Added birds flying across the map in every mission.
- Added a new particle effect for campfires - smoke rises above the campfire, making enemy camps easier to locate; after destroying an enemy camp, the smoke dissipates after a while.
- Added a new particle effect for berry bushes - making bushes more visible at greater distances.
- Added mission 7.
- In mission 5, holding 'E' displays icons on the screen indicating enemy camps that the player must eliminate.
Other Changes and Additions
- Holding 'E' shows gates from which enemy waves emerge.
- After death, the player has access to the command panel.
- While in free mode, the player can select resources and buildings.
- While in build mode, the player can select resources.
- The management window can now be opened in management and combat modes.
- Added an icon indicating the ability to change unit formations when selecting a formation creation point.
- A worker returning to the starting point has a special/new icon above them.
- Added a new button when selecting a berry farm to quickly send workers who have berry bushes to it.
- Added captions below buttons in the selected resource panel.
- Changed the size of some interface elements.
- Changed the appearance and position of the button responsible for opening the selected building menu.
- Increased the range for selecting and marking objects from 50m to 55m.
- At the start of the game, the player is always facing the town hall.
- Changed the background in the mission selection window.
- Changed the scene appearance in the main menu.
- Updated the tutorial to reflect current changes.
- Changed some assigned keys.
- Introduced several other minor fixes/changes.
Gameplay Balance
- Arrow damage: 14 => 18
Town Hall
- Durability: 300 => 500
Town Hall Upgrade
- Additional health: 80 => 100
Health Potion
- Duration: 0:30 => 0:45
- New: Upon use, restores 50% missing health
Stamina Potion
- Duration: 1:20 => 1:30
- New: Upon use, restores 100% missing health
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Enemy attacking wave could turn back to the starting point if, after marking a target, the enemy didn't see another nearby.
- Fixed: Worker did not return to idle mode after combat.
- Fixed: Sometimes the icon indicating the current arrow count of the player appeared after death.
- Fixed: Shield durability bar was not updated after death.
- Fixed: Archers sometimes did not holster their axes.
- Fixed: Sound of axe swing played twice (worker).
- Fixed: Archer entering towers did not switch their weapon to a bow.
What's Next?
In the next update, I plan to add new structures that will appear on the maps, resulting in modifications to some missions. Definitely, one or two new missions will also be introduced.
Changed files in this update