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Solace Crafting update for 26 February 2024

Hotfix v1.0.4.36

Share · View all patches · Build 13569204 · Last edited 27 February 2024 – 04:33:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

I readied this patch yesterday, but wanted to wait until morning to push it as there is one kind of "dangerous" fix within it.

What happened?

Last year I hired a programmer to help improve some of the world generation code that takes up a lot of processing power while players are running around. Unfortunately a bit of timing got messed up where the Noise Manager, which handles biome math, was running its warm-up math before world save data had been properly loaded. This caused all game worlds to be treated as if all of their biome frequency settings were at 1.0 regardless of what players may have changed them to during world creation.

What's fixed?

This patch fixes that, so that the warm-up math is now being executed properly, after the world save data has been loaded. However, if you've been playing with a world save file that had altered biome frequency that were not loading properly, and now they will suddenly start loading properly, there will unfortunately be noticeable differences. If the world you've been playing in did not have altered biome frequencies there should be no change.

What will change?

When biome math changes distant mountains can suddenly turn into swamps, and vice versa. The problem arises when we talk about player placed objects, such as buildings and solaces. They save their position in 3D, which means they know how high or low they are compared to sea level. If suddenly the mountain you had built a base on becomes a swamp, you're going to have those buildings floating high in the sky above the swamp. There is a feature implemented long ago to attempt to repair this kind of behavior by marking all player building for a "height check" making them try to re-attach themselves to the ground when they next spawn, but this can cause problems if they end up on a steep hill for example.

What can I do?
  1. If you want to play with a world save file you've been using with altered biome frequencies in spite of the changes but do encounter problems such as floating or sunken buildings, you can load into world, open the console (F1) and use the command /forceworldupdate, and then it will ask for confirmation which you would need to then type /y to.

  2. If you want to play with a world save file you've been using with altered biome frequencies, as is, and just reset the biome frequencies to the default settings that the bug was causing them to be treated as, I've added the following console commands to alter biome frequencies within a loaded world save:
    These will let you reset your frequencies back to 1.0 if you encounter changes to a world you've been playing on and want to reset the settings to default. If you type any of the commands in once it will show you what the current setting is, and you can alter the current setting with for example:
    /grassbiomefrequency 1.0
    Please do note that in most cases these commands should never be used =D Once a world is created and the biome math is properly set in motion, as mentioned above, mountains and forests and deserts can all be completely rearranged if the biome math changes. I only added these in to try and help correct any problems that players might run into due to the fixing of the bug.

Again, if you world save file did not have altered biome settings, you should notice no changes to world generation at all.

Having said all that to try and mitigate a headache or two in case anyone runs into this; I'm hoping to get some new stuff up on beta today, so this patch has been hotfixed directly to the default branch.

Thank you for the reports from everyone in Discord and on the bug tracker! Those are the main ways that I figure out when something has gone awry!

Happy Gaming!

v 2024.02.26

  • Fixed the escape menu blocking input sometimes
  • Fixed hold to walk not properly applying to left and right movement
  • Fixed journal text growing small instead of large for some non-english languages
  • Fixed some enemy debuffs stacking improperly
  • Fixed most enemy debuffs actually buffing stats
  • Fixed world loading biome math triggering too early, overriding custom settings in many cases

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

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Windows 64-bit Solace Crafting x64 Depot 670262
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Linux Solace Crafting Linux Depot 670263
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