Game Restore Crash
The Feb 21 update introduced an unfortunate bug that caused a crash when attempting to restore a saved game, including the Current Game.
Fixed a streaming bug in the player stat object that tracks how many times you have burnt up in the sun, by vehicle. If no avatar in the game had ever burnt up in the sun there was no problem.
Saved games that were crashing will load properly after this update. The data was saved correctly. The error was in reading the data.
Obsolete Objects Bug
While working on the crash bug, I found/fixed a bug that occurred when loading data that included references to obsolete commodities.
Remove Unreferenced Deleted Blueprints
While working on the crash bug, one of the games I loaded had a large number of deleted spacecraft and building blueprints in its library. These only need to be kept if they are used anywhere in the game.
Added a cleanup function that runs when loading a saved game. It removes blueprints in the Deleted state that are not referenced by any objects in the game.
Changed files in this update