Attention everyone!
Here is the last batch of change before the community update.
If you want to discover the complete content of the patchnote, now is the time to try the public beta branch!
Camp upgrade
- Shield Bearer Camps upgrade now grant +3.5% Def (instead of 2.5% before)
- Shaman Camps upgrade have been reverted to granting +5% Health
- Fantassin Camps upgrade have been reverted to granting +5% Def
- Custom Lobby - it is now possible to invite and join a custom lobby with a Lobby ID (just like for co-op Conquest)
- Alert messages are now displayed in a custom report window that let you describe the issue in more detail and send the report.
- Report button is now also accessible from multiplayer lobbies.
- Multiplayer Leaderboards screen now displays up to the top 8 players in each category, but no longer lets you search through all ranked players. (Following new changes and limitations on multiplayer rankings)
- Squirrel - Rumor Mongering no longer improves relations with other clans.
- Snake - Field Rations can no longer result in positive Food consumption.
- Scouts can no longer get stuck while scouting a territory that gets colonized by another clan.
- Addition of a security to prevent getting stuck on loading screen.
- In-game chat now correctly refreshes when switching from general to team chat.
- Various bugfixes and improvements related to Lobby-finder, Lobbies, and Leaderboards.
- When leaving a ranked lobby, the penalty warning no longer disappears after a few seconds.
- Fixed display issue in resources UI.
- Various text improvements.
- Fixed Mimirsbrunn screen display problem.
Known Issues
- Close button in Hunting Path window sometimes does not appear
- Some texts translations might be missing
- Some texts might display missing values
- Lynx - Mythical Lure doesn’t cost Food to build
Changed depots in shiro-test branch