Hi folks! Apologies for the delay on this update; we've been in the midst of a big office move over the last week, and I'm only just now finally coming up for air!
Here's what's new in this update:
- Fixed the "Party wasn't in the expected party manager?" error.
This was occurring if a party was trying to travel from one part of a region to another, but the fastest path it could find involved traveling through another region using a teleporter, and if that other region was outside the party's normal level range. When the party teleported into that other region, it was disbanding because the region was the wrong level for the party, and the game was getting confused about where the party was being stored since it was changing region and disbanding at exactly the same moment. This whole thing is all now fixed; parties no longer disband due to traveling through wrong-level regions on their way to a right-level region, and even if they do disband instantly for some other reason, the game doesn't get confused and generate this error any more! Huge huge thanks to everyone♥ who submitted saves demonstrating this issue; it would have been an absolute nightmare to track down this bug without them!
- Fixed a rendering bug which caused dynamic point lights to not draw correctly until after you had viewed the inside of a dungeon at least once, each time you loaded into the game.
- Fixed a rendering bug which caused a player's weapons to stop being rendered once a player died. This was only a visual bug; the game knew they still had their weapons, they just weren't being drawn until the next time you loaded into a save.
... plus the usual assortment of small bugfixes and improvements!
I'm hoping to finish up the bulk of our office move tomorrow (we finally got internet up and working at the new office this afternoon!) Big thanks to everyone for their patience through the move, and I'm hoping to be back and showing off some new Creativity Spike #2 features in the very near future!
Changed files in this update