Hey Resistors! We have a quick little patch today that adds some new weapons and ultimates! Unlock requirements are listed below, or you can find the same information in the armory menu in-game. We hope you enjoy them, happy resisting as always!
New Weapon - Egg Launcher:
This shoulder-mounted incubator-cannon fires eggs that leave behind poisonous slowing yolks in addition to hatching dinobots. Leveling up the Egg Launcher unlocks the potential to hatch different and rarer dinobots, as well as increase the chances of rarer spawns. Beat Scorpion Land to unlock this weapon for all characters. –Dev Note: Another “weird” weapon. The semi-random nature of the dinobots it spawns was a fun departure from our other weapon designs, and we hope players agree and enjoy it as much as we have.
New Ultimate - Eggcellent Launcher:
This upgrade to the egg launcher splices forbidden robo-DNA into the incubator, giving a chance to hatch the mythic “Dino-Dragon” himself… Beat Scorpion Land on hard difficulty or higher with egg launcher equipped to unlock this ultimate. –Dev note: ??? All yolking aside, this weapon is a bit eggcentric, even for us…
New Weapon - Virus Wall:
This weapon spawns perpendicular walls that slowly expand before hovering in place. Enemies passing through are stunned and lose a percentage of their current hit points while becoming immune to the wall’s effects for several seconds. Unlocked by completed Stage 4, the Servo Sea. –Dev Note: Yet another “weird” one, the virus wall is designed as an extreme support weapon. Since it does damage based on enemy health, it scales very well in late game and on harder difficulties, but is relatively underpowered in other scenarios.
New Ultimate - Virus Field:
This ultimate upgrade causes the virus walls to spin once they reach maximum size. Unlock by infected 500+ enemies with the virus wall. –Dev Note: This ultimate is a simple behavior change, but one that drastically improves the virus wall’s effectiveness and essentially gives them a giant circular area of effect.
Various tiny bug fixes
These were our first weapons designed without needing them to be “starter” weapons attached to specific characters, so we were able to get a little stranger in terms of design. As always, feedback is appreciated, so reach out in the Steam forums or on Discord with any comments. Happy resisting!
The Crablacksmith Team
Changed files in this update