⚠️ Small Announcement
For people facing frame drop and stuttering issues due to the new muzzle VFX, we are extremely sorry for the inconvenience. We did have a hotfix ready to be out right now, but we have realized there was more to the issue to fully resolve it. It takes an approximate 5-7 hours for us to get the patch out to public, please allow us that much time to bring the hotfix. The issue lied in the over exaggerated light range which was an oversight and we really apologize for that. For now we will still apply the hotfix we have prepared initially, which will fix the issue very slightly at least. However for the proper fix will need to wait for the silent patch 1 with in the next 7-8 hours.
💡 Another alternate to get around it till the hotfix is out is to use flash hider/suppressor on the weapons.
Thanks guys! Hope this does not hinder the new update's experience for anyone.
Changed files in this update