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Fargone update for 25 February 2024

Patch NB

Share · View all patches · Build 13559016 · Last edited 25 February 2024 – 20:09:25 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone I know the launch of 0.3 introduced lots of bugs including game breaking ones for which I am very sorry, going forward I will be ensuring things are tested much more thoroughly. This patch should address most of the reported bugs and provide everyone with the ability to enjoy 0.3. Up next will be lots of performance improvements however please keep reporting any issues so I can get onto them ASAP! Thank you again for everyone who already reported issues.

-Fixed a bug causing current inventory carry weight to get stuck too high
-Fixed context menu use button not working for base parts
-Fixed molotov being craftable while the item is not supposed to be accessible (temporary fix)
-Fixed various issues causing player to load in under the world
-Fixed a bug causing player tents and beds to not be usable after loading back into a save
-Fixed cooking stations not working correctly
-Fixed missing icons for several items
-Fixed difficulty settings not applying correctly in game
-Fixed a bug on load that could cause lost items and or spawning under the terrain
-Fixed a bug that could cause spawners to over spawn leading to too many enemies and performance issues
-Fixed issue causing time to not pass correctly when sleeping
-Fixed issue causing time in data pad to not update correctly
-Fixed an issue that would cause zombie ai to not track correctly when saving & loading
-Fixed shadow issues with nova
-Fixed incorrect placement of silencer on M16
-Fixed a bug that would cause quest marker related to characters not following the characters position
-Fixed a bug when opening Harvers store causing dialogue to get stuck open
-Fixed a bug that would cause quest givers to take too many of a required item when completing a quest
-Fixed various issues of gear being lost when trying to either equip or unequal items while inventory is at max capacity/no free slots
-Fixed shadow issues with G36
-Fixed fast travel service not working
-Fixed an issue causing storage crates to loose items on load
-Fixed weather clipping into certain underground sections and buildings (more areas will receive these fixes soon)

-Minor touchups to cooking UI for consistency
-Improved quality of character preview in inventory slightly
-Added new lootable containers to runners village
-Added fire and lighting effects to Runners village
-Slightly adjusted red dot colour for better clarity in snowy enviroments
-Non human enemies will now always make noise when alerted or spotting a target
-Non human enemies will play sounds more frequently when chasing targets
-Slightly reduced player pain sfx volume

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