Hi all! The date February 26th is an anniversary for X-POINT! Exactly 5 years ago, I posted an early alpha of a game in early access in which there were 4 units and 1 map, about network play and different modes, I didn’t even dream of it then! Now you have before you a huge full-fledged project with hundreds of units and a full-fledged network game and, of course, different game modes!
The first thing I want to say on such a date is THANK YOU! Exactly you! My dear players, with your interest and support, you helped this game grow and gain wings! I am extremely grateful to you!
And now we are at the finish line, as the game is about to exit early access! After all, there is very little left, all the most important and basic things have already been done!
I congratulate you all on the anniversary of the release of the X-POINT game on Steam. And of course the update and its composition:
- Bai-Hu - main battle tank (replica ZTZ99)
- Kama - long-range interceptor/air defense breakthrough aircraft (replica Su-34)
- Prince - heavy command tank (Chalenger-2 replica)
- Grim - tactical missile system (replica Sapsan)
- Omen - stealth stratospheric bomber (PAK-DA replica)
- Black Veil - stealth stratospheric bomber (H20 replica)
- Ural - main battle tank (replica T72BM)
- Hawk - front-line fighter (replica KF21)
- Meridian - over-the-horizon radar
- SEAL - heavy sniper
- SAS - sniper
- ALPHA - sniper
- DELTA FORCE - weapon replacement
- Gemini - weapon replacement
- Navarro - high-speed SUV
- BARRIER - Engineering vehicle
- Boats with SAS|SEAL|ALPHA units
- Queen Kassadi special look
- Beliar - thermobaric MLRS on a wheeled chassis
- A system of ranks and career has been created. Ranks affect the number of points for purchasing an army. The highest rank "Marshal" gives an achievement. The player receives reputation points for which the rank is increased from the “operation mode” and “conquest mode”.
- Completed main menu logic
- Shadow - gets the ability to choose a design depending on the choice of camouflage
- Different submarines carry different special forces
- Added special units chevron to SAS|SEAL|ALPHA|DELTA special forces
- +5 new tips on the loading menu
- Black Swan (replica Tu-160) - completely converted into a missile carrier
- Brander - no longer explodes when touching the bottom or shore
- Ion cannon - cost increased to 90,000 points
- smoke from markers has been removed
- Navy crew change weapons
- rubber boats are ignored by the radar of coastal anti-ship systems
- fixed grenade explosions over the network
- Linebraker (Tu-22 replica) - additionally marks detected radars with GPS tags
- Sovereighn (Tu-95 replica) - added 4 GPS missiles
- fixed the possibility of firing airborne vehicles at the moment of falling
- global algorithm for detailing models for all infantry (should speed up rendering)
- fixed interaction with Kassadi's wardrobe
- all vehicles with max headlights use a green glow
I have added an official Discord server to the game description, be sure to join! There I post current development news, screenshots of drawings and finished units.
Changed files in this update