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Going Medieval update for 26 February 2024

Patch Notes (0.16.22)

Share · View all patches · Build 13558247 · Last edited 26 February 2024 – 13:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, medievalists! The newest patch (0.16.22) is now live on all platforms. Please save your progress and restart your game client to update. You should be able to load normally and continue playing. If you have any problems, please let us know.

Bugs and Fixes
  • Fixed several crash occurrences.
  • Fixed the issue where settlers were not able to use slopes/ramps/ladders to enter the water, but were able to use them for exit.
  • Fixed the issue where settlers were sometimes unable to fill the troughs with animal feed as the game automatically forbade said piles due to pathing issues.
  • Fixed the issue where animals were still stuck in water upon their caravan return.
Quality of life improvements
  • Fish should spawn near a coast during the map generation. This also means that there is a 70% chance for a newly spawned fish to appear next to a coast on the existing saves.
  • We’ve introduced temporary building ownership. Before, if the settler’s room or bed is too far and there is a bed closer to the settler, the settler would choose the closer bed. This resulted in settlers randomly losing ownership of beds. Now the settler will still choose a bed closer to them but the new bed will have a message that it is temporarily occupied. This can only happen if there are more beds than settlers on the map and a settler can only temporarily occupy a bed that was not assigned before. This fixes the issue where settlers would sometimes lose ownership of beds/rooms.
Present frustrating issues:
  • Some of you reported an issue where settlers don’t want to tend to other settlers in certain situations. This is very hard to reproduce on our side and loading your reports solves the issue (as reloading the save fixes the issue). It would be very helpful if you notice any particular details on how to trigger this issue - do they ignore all of the settlers that require tending, is self tending working, did anything special happen before this issue appeared? Maybe settlers hunted something, maybe something was allowed/forbidden? Any repro steps on how to trigger the bug is greatly appreciated.
  • It seems that the situation where you try to build a soil voxel and it crumbles upon completed construction still happens. As with the issue above, it’s close to impossible to reproduce this issue on our side. We’re working on a potential memory fix that may, in turn, solve this issue and some other stuff. In the meantime, if you encounter this bug, please provide as much info/context as possible. Quitting the game and starting the save will solve the issue.
Known issues:
  • Snow appears on roofs/stairs/slopes even past winter season. This is not that simple an issue to solve but we are aware of its annoyance.
  • Settlers will not choose the closest production building (if there are more of the same type), but the one that has a production set first in the global list of productions.

NOTE: Also, be sure to check this log for more potential misconceptions and common bug reports.

DISCLAIMER: The experimental and the main branch have the same version of the game. However, on the experimental branch, we decided to keep the Dev version of the game, and that means that a Dev log with red text will appear from time to time. This will help us get more info from your side when crashes and bug reports occur. If you are annoyed by this, please switch to the main branch to experience the game without the red text.

Foxy Voxel

Windows Going Medieval Content Depot 1029781
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