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Rogue's Tale update for 25 February 2024

Version 2.24

Share · View all patches · Build 13557665 · Last edited 25 February 2024 – 16:33:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Here's the full list of changes:

  • Added hideout levels 49-72.
  • Added a way to clear potions and scrolls.
  • Added a grinding wheel to sharpen melee weapons.
  • Added a dummy target that can be used to check your weapon damage.
  • Added a wardrobe and a mirror because why not.
  • Added a heirloom chest that can restore certain heirloom items.
  • Medium polearms are no longer two-handed weapons.
  • Added a new special attack for treemen.
  • Snails gained 50% more damage that can't be resisted.
  • Fixed a bug where critical hits would not cause confusion in some cases.

Empty potions and blank scrolls can now be created using the void altar after completing a simple heritage. This happens by disenchanting a potion or scroll and it will retain its potency or mastery and cursed status. If the source item is blessed, there is a 1 in 6 chance for the blessed status to remain. Those "Blessed Scroll of Uselessness" now have a chance to be somewhat useful.

Once you progress your hideout far enough and complete a heritage, you can sharpen your weapons with a grinding wheel. Doing so gives one of your equipped melee weapons a temporary effect that increases the chance for crushing, piercing and slashing effects to take place. It also counts as a durability level and instead of losing a blessing or becoming damaged, a weapon will first lose its sharpened status.

Once you progress your hideout far enough, you will have a dummy target to smack with various weapons and see how well they do against different resistance levels. When you hit the dummy it will print out combat modifiers, damage values after resistances and finally the damage caused after everything is handled. You can also speak to the dummy and set its resistance values to see how they affect your damage.

Once you progress your hideout far enough, you will have a wardrobe and a mirror that can be used to change your shirt color, cloak color, cloak style, hair color and hair style. Cloak colors and styles will require that you have completed relevant challenges but the game is kind enough to remind you of

Once you progress your hideout far enough, you will have an heirloom chest that can restore your bag, album, gift device and dog collar if you happen to lose them for whatever reason. The collar has a requirement that Woof is still around in some form. This means that if you want some extra space in
your bag, you can just destroy those items and pick them up at some later time if you need them.

Fine spear and most staves are no longer two-handed and they can be equipped with a shield or offhand weapon. Normal spear and staff are still two-handed. Note that although medium polearms are no longer two-handed, they are still main hand only weapons and dual wielding two of them is not possible.

Treemen were given a special single use attack that ignores fear immunity and the only way to mitigate it is by having the Strong Will talent which will halve the duration. So, from now on, treemen that haven't yet used the attack are now among the most dangerous enemies you can meet.

Snails use a corrosive bite which is a weapon with two damage types, physical and corrosive. Previously corrosive damage only counted for increased chance to break armour but now it works just like any other secondary damage type and what that means is that a corrosive bite causes 100% physical damage and 50% corrosive damage. Note that there is no corrosive resistance so snails are now much more likely to cause one or two points of damage instead of being fully resisted.

The hideout is now complete and there will be no more tasks after this. Any future additions will be done through heritages and challenges. I hope you have fun trying to complete the damage challenge. It is possible to do over 320 damage with one crushing blow but I didn't want the challenge to require blessed jewelry in addition to the other items that are needed.

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