Hello everyone!
Is here the update for February!
Zoe will now sometimes fuck Jeff in cowgirl position on the bed
Zoe will now ask you to lick her feet while fucking Jeff on the bed, if you foot fetish stats is high enough and if Zoe is slightly dominant
Zoe will make you clean th bedsheet after pegging you on the bed
(pre-wedding and post-wedding) -
Added a wedding photo next to be bed in the post-wedding
Added new phone messages
Added screen space reflection in Fantastic quality
The bed pegging event is now repeatable without wearing the chastity cage
Zoe shopping event will now occur during perfect and failed cooking, and not only for average cooking
Fixed Zoe head snapping for 1 frame when talking to her
Reduced memory usage (500 Mo in Potato mode!)
Stay safe!
Changed files in this update