- Tournaments: there is now the option to create tournaments for FAST games. An indicator by the chat has been added to show if one has to be aware that the tournament can have multiple rounds. Please advice on other hints required (as needed)?
- Initial Truce: an "Initial Truce" can be set during game setup to define how long no attacks can happen at the start of the game.
- UI: multiplayer section directly lists joinable games with option to create new games. The announcements and existing games are now available above the chat.
- UI: improved the multiplayer account settings to make them more compact (clarity).
- UI: improved layout, fonts, etc. of misc. other UI components to make them more streamlined (clarity). Generally, things were moved, not removed.
- Passwords: indicator if a password was set when logging in via e.g. Steam (to show if one needs to be set for cross-platform login). Only works for new accounts!
- Fair-Play: Duels cannot be started early (a second player needs to join).
- Graphics: Spy Balloon graphic updated.
- Graphics: Napalm effect reduced for performance.
- Victory UI: improved layout for team-games.
- Victory UI: shows if a game was rated or not.
- Victory UI: also provides info about map used (via link).
- Victory UI: info "i" button added with a few more details (e.g. when/if entries are deleted).
- Scenario UI: coloring of buttons updated (more harmonic).
- Input: long-touch delay decreased from 1100ms to 500ms (e.g. for showing tooltips & popup menus).
- Manual: info added that clans are currently limited to 64 members max.
- Steam DLC: should now also be added to an account and work cross-platform (trial implementation).
- Login Problems: updated the error popup with a suggestion to reboot and a link to the actual server status (for verification).
- Moderation: admin terminal moved into admin controller.
- Translations: option to not show the translation by the original English if the translation is e.g. not 95% complete. See "Language Requirement" option in settings.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Language: misc. spelling bugfixes.
- Language: make sure too long texts don't overlap (cut via "...").
- Credits: listing eos4j & discord-game-sdk4j.
- Maintenance: improved logging for the game updater service.
- Maintenance: remotes.conf without port number (auto-determined).
- Maintenance: improved handling of URLs, HTTP(s), WS(S), hosts and ports (clarity).
- Maintenance: improved common code in play and map management (reduced duplications across games).
- Bugfix: web socket on WEB backend stopped working (force-switched data exchange from binary to string).
- Bugfix: transitioning between multiplayer games didn't properly restore the chat/etc.
- Bugfix: Victory table only counts each AI category once (otherwise problems adding to DB due to constraint issues).
- Bugfix Server: reducing broker service disk space from 20GB to 8GB.
- Bugfix Crashes: when testing a game and the account was 'null' (invalid).
- Bugfix Crashes: when going to an invalid previous slide in a comic.
- Bugfix Crashes: when provided transformation model was 'null' for a trigger.
Retro Commander update for 25 February 2024
Update 2.20.133 - Menu UI Improved, FAST Tournaments & Initial Truce
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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