WIth update we are introducing a new lighting system, icons for all weapon, skills, character tooltips to display cross interactions and scaling possibilities, we are extending our localisation support for Polish, Russian and Turkish language, improved design of the "prepare run screen", adding support for 240 Hz setting in the options menu and much more!
🌟New Features:
- New Range Weapon: Buzzkeeper
Projectile damage scales with companion damage. Projectiles hits have a 40% chance to spawn a bumblebee companion on enemy death.
New supported languages: Russian, Turkish, Polish
New Lighting System: We have created normal maps for all ground and player model textures which now allows us to use this height information on the textures to render more realistic 3D lighting on our textures. This results in much more plastic looking textures. (Note the new character lighting was rolled in with version and was not yet present on the comparison screens, this showcase is only for the ground textures, so expect even better looking character models with this patch).
- Interaction icons for skills, weapons and character tooltips:
Given the complexity and deepness of interaction the SfL skill system offers there has been urgent wishes by the community to streamline and improve the tooltips for a simplified and better way of understanding those skill/weapon/character/trinket interactions.
As many tooltips are already rivaling the length of a one-page essay we decided to add a tag based cross reference system to all tooltips. Since the tooltips are already mainly text based we decided to add icons for all the differend damage scaling sources as well as for the AoE size modifier. This will allow you to directly grasp on how to scaling and interactions work. The icons have been designed to match with the corresponding skill node design that grants this damage source, i.e. the scaling with melee damage icon is looking equal to the one you find on the Increased Melee Damage skill node.
Improved design of the "Prepare your Run" screen
Added level up indicator that displays how much additional skill point by leveling up you have accumulated during a wave. This should make it much easier to understand how gaining skill points works.
New Voice Acting for Arda, the Fallen: Arda the Fallen has received new professional voice acting
⚙️Major Changes and Improvements:
- Added support for 240Hz setting in the options menu
- Improved tooltip description for elite enemy spawn pool
- Improved responsiveness of skill and weapon tooltips
- Ravaging Companions now have a maximum life duration of 10 seconds (was unlimited before)
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Changed files in this update