This is a quick hotfix that pushes some changes from Development branch to the default branch.
Notably it fixes a bug a lot of Mac users were having with unresponsive UI. It also adds in better support for starting a game in Book 3 without an existing book 2 savegame.
For those of you who have Book 1 installed on Steam, a new Beta branch has also appeared, called NGPLUS. This will provide a way to return to Book 1 with your end of Book 3 savegame, and see how the world changes as a result. It's still WIP, but hopefully I'll push it forward as the final build sometime in the next month or so.
Full changelog:
- Fixed a bug where partial completion of Black Rose 1 in book 1 could cause you to get stuck in Book 3
- Built with Unity latest LTS for improved mac support
- Ensured all videos were properly transcoded to VP8
- Can use space to speed through the reward UI
- Fixed a bug that could cause flickering while transitioning from Elsewhere to Dark Elsewhere or back
- Fixes for people starting Book 3 without a Book 2 savegame:
- Dylan and Fiadh are shipped by default
Changed files in this update