I had a few different report of bugs being cause by the loadout feature, because of its low importance/frequency players interact with it, I'm disabling it for now, until I can have a better look at it.
if you already have it unlocked, please avoid using it for now (unless you don't mind doing some bug testing for me hahaha, but I've had reports of loosing all their items, and reports of it just not working at all).
with that being said, here are the actual bug fixes:
-Damage text no longer show over tutorial and popups
-You can't get stuck on the control tab anymore, as it shows over the store, and you should be able to both open AND close it using the "keyboard and mouse" button.
-Gadget type not being saved -> Unfortunately, previous saves will not be able to recover their previous gadgets, but every gadget you get from now on (even on older saves) will be properly recorded and load with their proper types.
-You can no longer sell an Item if its equipped. Selling an Item while equipped was never intended, but was possible to do using the radial menu, which caused a multitude of bugs and soft locks. This has now been fixed.
New (not fixed) bugs:
- Loadouts not working
- Loadouts causing you to loose all your items
- Boss indications does not properly display your actual progress when loading a save
- After loading a save, the Basllista upgrades are available for purchase again (and don't do anything) if you had already bought them
- Ascensions 1 and 2 are showing the tutorial, when it should only be enabled for ascension 0.
- Spikeball Gadget can go offscreen upwards and take a long time to appear again.
- Saving doesn't save your language preferences
- There is no explanation for the elite enemies
Known (not fixed) bugs:
- Achievement for ascension one being skipped and instead being awarded Ascension 2 during main menu.
- Some machines doesn't display the game Icon in the task bar.
- (maybe fixed) Some people can have more than 5 gadgets active at the same time
- Dragging an Item and right clicking would sometimes sell random items from your inventory
- Red items possibly not scaling properly with ascension
I appreciate all you guys bringing up these bugs, those are issues that I couldn't find on previous testing and I'm dedicating a lot of my time to get them fixed ASAP. Your enjoyment of the game is very important for me.
Changed files in this update