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Perfect Heist 2 update for 24 February 2024

Update 36: New cop class, new robber mask, balancing changes and improvements!

Share · View all patches · Build 13554127 · Last edited 25 February 2024 – 00:33:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This update adds a brand-new free character to the cop team! Surge specializes in electric fields, allowing him to stun all nearby characters, and to reflect incoming bullets back to their source, as long as his battery has enough charge! He makes up for his lack of intel gathering with his great combat strength, especially against bullet-type weapons!

The robber team got a new "Cooking Pot" mask, which greatly reduces the impact of tasers and allows its users to quickly generate health points while inside a kitchen!

The main focus of this update is to negate some of the combat strength of the robber team, promoting even more stealthy and sneaky plays. Sticky grenades saw their area of effect damage slightly reduced, Heavys supply helicopter can now longer be glitched through walls, and players holding weapons now have a slightly slower sprint speed, making holding a weapon a more nuanced choice. The respawn protection duration has also been increased, allowing cops to clear the immediate proximity of their cop car more easily, while the mid-round regeneration at the cop car has also been increased.

There are also lots of performance improvements in this update, especially for CPU-bound players, from a large variety of main menu optimizations to multiple custom map improvements that should result in a 30% FPS increase for most users. Additionally, multiple smaller quality-of-life features have been added, like a new disconnect message explaining why the connection to a server has been closed, a new error message for invalid gadget placements, and a new button in the class selection screen allowing robbers to switch between mask and class selection.


  • added new cop class "Surge" (Electric Field, Magentic Field Bullet Reflection, Bullpup Rifle, Taser)
  • added new "Cooking Pot" mask
  • scoreboard now shows server FPS
  • added server disconnect message
  • added new functionality for the Tiger Mask (robbers can now charge a powerful jump/dash)
  • added new "AFK Kick" server option, and "[Advanced] AfkKick = true" dedicated server config variable
  • added additional placement error messages
  • added small unfold button to the class selection, allowing robbers to switch back from the mask selection to read their classes abilties


  • can no longer taser spawn-protected players
  • added small 5% movement speed penalty when sprinting while having a ranged weapon equipped
  • increased Dagger range slightly
  • Marie Curies bullets now also mark hit enemies with radioactive material
  • equipping a mask now restarts the mask tick timer (i.e. bandana mask interest)
  • updated translations with most recent community translations
  • reverted Karl Marxs commune invite cost back to 1,000$
  • greatly improved main menu, inventory and server browser UI performance
  • multiple in-game CPU performance improvements
  • increased grenade launcher reload speed by 30%
  • reduced sticky launcher reload speed by 30% (now has same reload speed as normal grenade launcher)
  • reduced sticky indirect damage from 8-80 to 7.5-75
  • increased Heavys support heli interaction time from 2s to 3s
  • Heavys support heli will now try to rotate to fit into tight spaces
  • Micros 500% bonus damage when tiny now only apply to bullet and melee damage
  • increased spawn protection base time from 3s to 5s for cops
  • increased spawn protection timeout when leaving the cop car from 1s to 2s
  • increased cop car resupply zone size slightly
  • increased cop car health and ability resupply tick rate by 50%
  • reduced incoming damage for time-slowed players by 30%


  • fixed swapping clothes not removing wet footprints for clients
  • fixed cops getting fired when taking fall damage if "No Random Kills" setting is on
  • fixed dead cops still counting as fired after being revived by FED Chairman, resulting in the game thinking they are dead forever when they got killed again, thus ending the round if no other cops where alive at this point
  • fix for crash report appearing when closing the game
  • fixed selecting "Community Map Showcase" in host game menu resulting in loading into an empty map
  • fixed round ending if a cop is still waiting for his respawn, but hasn't pressed any key yet to actually respawn
  • fixed inconsistencies with Demos Remote Explosive and FBIs motion detector placements
  • multiple potential fixes for horse unmount bug resulting in players getting stuck
  • fixed being able to press number keys that were higher than the amount of pie menu options, resulting in unexpected behaviours
  • fixed multiple issues with Madmans IED placement getting blocked
  • fixed Heavys support heli glitching through walls

Level Editor:

  • fixed "Custom Stealable Object" not working with custom meshes
  • fixed rotating Sculptures constantly forcing nav mesh updates, resulting in considerable FPS loss
  • CPU optimizations for custom maps with lots of meshes
  • city base map performance optimizations
  • minor GPU optimizations for maps with lots of light sources
  • CPU optimizations for maps with lots of objects
  • fixed not being able to select some of the cars in the city level
Windows Perfect Heist 2 Content Depot 1521581
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