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Tales of Spark update for 24 February 2024

Lantern Festival is here, and Leopard Taro arrives!

Share · View all patches · Build 13552467 · Last edited 24 February 2024 – 13:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Just as the Year Beast leaves, the Guild Hall welcomes Leopard Taro!

Innkeeper Mingyue at the Howling Moon Inn has a new task for you.
The Guild Hall is frozen in the chill of late spring.
Leopard Taro wears powerful silver armor, the more hits he takes, the higher his defense!
Immune to debuffs such as life drain, blindness, and intimidation!
Like other legendary bosses, starting at difficulty level two, the instance resets upon completion.
Completing the task rewards a Black Leopard mount.
Welcome all heroes to join the challenge!
Numerical Adjustments:

After 5 seconds of blindness, there will be a 10-second period of resistance.
Cooldown for life drain increased from 0.5 seconds to 1 second.
Maximum level of bleeding reduced from 20 to 10.
Description of charging effect has been appropriately modified.
Buff icon added for Sword Qi Double Dragon.
Normal modification made to the talent description of Gu Qingming's Seven Toads Spirit Realm.
Other Fixes:

Fixed an issue where a character would continue to attack a monster for a period of time, causing possible lag on laptops.
Fixed a bug where the Desert Mirage wouldn't refresh the second time entering, resulting in no teleportation portal.
Adjusted the triggering area of the Forbidden Area in the Back Mountain, removing monsters that affect the storyline.
Fixed an issue where the duration of buffs did not increase with level.
Fixed a bug where the sound of flowing water in the Tianshan Path would persist.

Minor adjustments made to the lighting in some scenes.
The lighting in the valley has been changed to night.
Fixed an issue where certain scene effects would not display properly during cutscenes.

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