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City Game Studio update for 24 February 2024

Producers gone wild

Share · View all patches · Build 13552218 · Last edited 24 February 2024 – 10:52:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hello folks,

This week, I've been hard at work and I've gone further than expected on some things and I haven't been able to start on others. I'll tell you about them right away.

Redesigning the producers

This was the biggest job this week. I revamped the producers and added some new features.
From now on, a producer will specialize in a particular game genre. It could be Action, Adventure, whatever. When you assign a producer to a game in which he's an expert, it gives you several advantages. First, the gauges will be more accurate. You'll be able to reach the perfect value for each gauge. On top of this, the Producer Productivity Bonus is doubled. This makes assigning producers to small games interesting, and adds an extra strategy for high difficulty modes. I'm not going to spoil everything, but I've reviewed the game creation page and made sure to fix all the bugs related to it.

Speaking of bugs

Quite a few small fixes on low resolutions, but also on employee assignment. It could happen that employees stopped working on a project. This bug is now corrected. In fixing this bug, I've also optimized studio management.

1000 followers on Twich

Many of you streamed City Game Studio on Twitch. Shenryyr, Cringer, Domingo to name but a few.
Thanks to you, City Game Studio has just reached 1,000 followers on Twitch!
If you've never thought of broadcasting your City Game Studio gameplay on Twitch, think again - people are interested!

I had promised you that I would start work on the console redesign, but I decided to focus more on the producers. I hope you like these changes, because I think they add depth to the gameplay, and that's good.

Next week, I'll rework the HRs and start redesigning the consoles.
Xavier aka Binogure

Changed depots in internal branch

View more data in app history for build 13552218
Linux City Game Studio GNU/Linux Depot 726841
Windows 32-bit City Game Studio Windows Depot 726842
macOS City Game Studio OSX Depot 726843
Windows 64-bit City Game Studio Windows 64 Depot 726844
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